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Status Future consideration
Categories Ideas portal
Created by Karla Johnson
Created on Mar 3, 2023
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit A-I-12225 Moving an idea between workspaces should not remove it from the portal.

Change of Functionality to idea portal

We have a central intake idea form/intake portal for all of Consumer Product. We love that and it works great.

The hiccup... Because ideas are coming in so fast and furious, we are moving the idea from the CP main intake portal to the journey itself (as an Idea) and then from there- we let the journey owner promote to an initiative.

The problem: When we move an idea from location X to location Y, it breaks the linkage, and the idea submitter is no longer able to track progress of their idea.

I am wondering if Aha had a work around for this or can tweak the functionality. When a initiative is moved, it doesn't break the link. When a epic is moved, it doesn't break the URL/link. When a feature is moved to a new board, nothing breaks.

Why can't be make it so that when an idea is moved, it doesn't break the link?