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Status Already exists
Categories To-dos
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 7, 2023

Display all to do's to owner and assign primary assignee

Currently you only see to do's which you created or which you were assigned to you. As an owner, I want to see all to do's planned in my team, without having to be assigned.

Currently I need to assign multiple people just to let them know that the to do exists (informed), and it is not clear anymore who needs to execute the to do.

It would be interesting to assign a to do 'lead' or primary assignee, also if an Owner would be able to follow up all to do's without being assigned.

    Feb 9, 2023

    Currently if a to-do is added as a child of another record (a release or feature for example) they will be visible to anyone who can view that record. To-dos created without a parent record are only visible to the assignees for security purposes.

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