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Status Future consideration
Categories Features
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 23, 2022
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit A-I-8062 Allow feature boards to show releases and their features across multiple products.

Multiple Workspaces On A Single Feature Board

Currently, if you have a situation where you are tracking the same release across multiple products (from different workspaces), you are not able to combine them and see all the features on a single feature board.

This isn't ideal as it forces as to completely re-organise our workspaces on the "per development team" basis.

It would have been great if AHA allowed users to have a feature board where you decide which workspaces you are looking to include on it. If you move things on that "combined" feature board, these elements would also move on individual workspaces.

To us, this felt like an obvious functionality that we were intuitively wanted to enable on our engineering call yesterday - but it's not there.

Let's Change That, guys.