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Status Future consideration
Categories Ideas
Created by Melissa Crawford
Created on Feb 1, 2022
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit A-I-15671 Ideas Reporting - One report for multiple types of promoted records.

Consistent Idea Mapping Hierarchy & Traversal

This ask is for the ability to consistently map ideas at any level from a work item standpoint. When you promote an idea, you can promote it at any level which is excellent because users don't always create ideas at the same level of depth. However, when you're trying to do reporting within Aha! it means that there's not consistent way to map back to the ideas.


  1. Idea A Created with Proxy Vote from Organization 1

  2. Idea B Created with Proxy Vote also from Organization 1

  3. Idea C Created with Proxy vote also from Organization 1

  4. Idea A promoted to Feature X with Requirement X.1, X.2, X.3

  5. Idea B promoted to Requirement Y.1 under Feature Y not mapped to an Idea

  6. Idea C promoted to Master Feature MST

  7. Features Z, Q, R created under master feature MST

    1. Several Requirements mapped under Z, Q and R

Consolidated report I want to create filtered by Organization Proxy Vote:

User Stories X.1, X.2 and X.3 mapping to Idea A

User Stories Y.1 mapping to Idea B

User Stories Z.1, Z.2, Q.1, Q.2, R.1, R.2, etc.. mapping to Idea C

If Idea D was created with again a proxy vote from Organization 1 and mapped into Requirement R.3 under Reature R, I would expect it to show in the report as mapped to Idea D while the other Requirements were all still mapped to Idea C.

If Idea E was created with again a proxy vote from Organization 2 and mapped into Feature S which was added to Master Feature MST, I would expect Feature S and all it's underlying Requirements to map to Idea E, while Idea D was still mapped to Requirement R.3 and all other Requirements within Master Feature MST to map to Idea C.

I think that the status of the idea should still be reflective of whatever level you promoted it to, but the ability to traverse the Requirement > Feature > Master Feature tree to get to the ultimate Idea would be extremely useful. While there are workarounds for this, it's not quite what I'm looking for in communicating with Stakeholders of Organization 1.