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Created by Clare Chawke
Created on Jan 31, 2022
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APP-I-6167 Allow custom statuses to inherit from product line.

Workspaces should be able to inherit epic/feature workflows from parent lines Merged

Workspaces should be able to inherit epic/feature workflows from parent lines.

Currently it's only possible to set the workflow for each artifact type at a workspace level. It should be possible to set the required workflow at a workspace line level and let each associated workspace inherit the workflow from it's parent (if desirable).

This functionality is desirable so that workflows can be standardized across various company divisions/business units.

Allowing workspace to inherit these setting from the parent line or being able to bulk add workspace to the "Used In" list in the <account settings>/workflows would be 2 potential solutions.

  • Stephanie Redl
    Feb 2, 2022

    This just got even more important as you can now create templates for Initiatives which are part of the workflow. I created a beautiful template and now need to click 800 times to roll this out to everyone???