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Status Future consideration
Categories Application
Created by Anna Maddox
Created on Jul 16, 2021
Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APP-I-5335 Improvements to Master-detail relationship custom field.

Chart sort/filter and column sizing Merged

I love that we can create a chart, and then pull pivots from that info. However, as we add in details, we cannot sort the columns at all, which would be very helpful to sort by newest/oldest, or filter out things that are closed. and entering in data in really odd when there seems to be no standard for free text column sizing? Some are really long, some are really short?? it would be helpful to have a little bit of manipulation in the entering of data, not just how to view it later.
and there is no category for initiative improvements??

  • Anna Maddox
    Jul 16, 2021

    yes it is a custom table on the initiative to track things like risks. we can put a date column in as part of the custom, but then as things are added we cannot sort for most recent or open/closed, etc. I understand not being able to sort on a free text field, that is silly. but for things like assignee or date, where there are specific parameters, a sort/filter would make sense.

  • Admin
    Kelly Sebes
    Jul 16, 2021

    Thank you for reaching out! Can you share a little more about where the details are being entered and sort/filter is not supported? Is it perhaps in a custom table on the initiative?