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Created by Karla Johnson
Created on Apr 8, 2021
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit A-I-10058 Dashboard Dynamic Filters.

Ability to add additional filters like Initiatives to Dashboards

As a product owner, i want to view a dashboard of panels that i have created that can be filtered by workspaces and initiatives so that I can view all the work within my workspace for capacity and priority conversations, or view all the initiatives within my workspace so I can provide customers progress on their initiatives.

Scenario: The Products and Benefits Administration workspace has product enhancement work for our product along with customer requests. For example, our product is "Content Manager" and we have product features that we are developing that is in response to our customers using our product. We also have several 'migration' projects within the same space that we are tagging using the Initiative field. We need to see all the work via workspace so that our teams can talk about priorities and capacity planning. BUT...our various customers with projects (work we have tagged with an initiative) need to see only their work efforts using the same dashboard.