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Status Future consideration
Categories User management
Created by Brian W
Created on Jan 11, 2021

automatically add changed Idea Creator as idea Watcher

Currently we have the ability to change the Idea Creator.

Unfortunately, the newly assigned Idea Creator is automatically designated as an Idea Watcher (whereas the initial creator is). Having the new creator be assigned as Watcher makes sense, because as an admin that created the idea on their behalf, I want them to assume all the rights and responsibilities that comes along with creating/submitting an idea: (1) notification of state changes, (2) notification of public comments to then respond to, for example requests from admin for more info, and (3) notification of admin response.

Yes it is possible to subscribe the new creator to the comments, but this does not satisfy all use cases mentioned above. Yes it is possible to add them as a watcher to the idea, but this secondary step of adding the new creator as a watcher is easily and often overlooked, resulting in missed communications.

Unless there is a scenario where one would not want the creator to be engaged in all these ways, almost seems like adding the new creator as a watcher should be the default behavior.

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