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Disable automatic record watching for comments from an integration.

My identity is currently set as the "Run as" user for a GitHub web hook integration. I would like the option to disable automatically following the records that get commented on as part of this integration.
David I. about 2 years ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Mobile: swipe to change record status in a list

When viewing records in a list, it would be wonderful if I could swipe to change the status of the record. This would be especially useful when updating multiple records. So perhaps what I really want is a way to bulk update records.
Nathaniel Collum over 6 years ago in Mobile 0 Future consideration

Consider header/icon for description field in Aha! Mobile

When editing records that do not have descriptions, I find the description field hard to find. I’ve attached an example. The description field is below status and assignee and can be a bit difficult to locate.
Nathaniel Collum over 6 years ago in Mobile 0 Unlikely to implement

Enable sort by Estimate in Feature Detail view

I'd like to be able to sort features in a release by the Estimate assigned to that feature so that I can see a stacked rank of the highest cost features in a release. I can do that today in the List view, of course, but I'd like to be able to do i...
Guest over 8 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

Abilty to create an automation rule to delete work items in Aha

There are times when we need to change the state of a work item to "removed" in AzDo. I would like to set an automation rule in Aha: if the state of a given Aha work item is "will not do", then delete the work item.
Guest about 2 years ago in  0 Future consideration

Alternative JSON format for changes property in Activity webhook

We are attempting to read changes to the Ideas record type using the Activity webhook. Most of the information is straight forward, in an expected JSON format. But for changes, the data comes through as an array of json objects, instead of p...
Erin Quick-Laughlin about 2 years ago in Integrations 1 Future consideration

Ability to apply updated field templates to an existing record

I'm a product manager and I've created many initiatives using my company's pre-defined custom template. The template included the initial estimate field and it has been measured in time. Our company changed the measure from time to story points, b...
Guest about 2 years ago in  0 Future consideration

add time frame to Initiative Goals link field on edit like it is on create

add time frame to Initiative Goals link field on edit like it is on create If you create a new initiative when you link the goal it appends the time frame to the end but when you edit an initiative it does not so if you have duplicate goals from y...
Eric Cannady about 2 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Ordering filter on charts and reports

I make pie charts for time spent in initiatives. The initiatives will only be ordered in the key alphabetically though. I'd like to be able to order them by rank, score, or even by value that I'm looking to report on. So if I make a chart with ini...
Jaclyn Fine over 8 years ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Allow Integration variable on Create Record layout

Currently when creating a feature, I have to create the feature and then manually send the integration to ADO. I want to have a variable on the Create Record Layout screen to be able to choose this option when creating the feature. This way I can ...
Kalyndra Craven over 4 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration