Who would benefit? Users who are using AI What impact would it make? When users draft content using AI it should follow brand guidelines to help with efficiency. How should it work? Allow users to define standards for content that is created using...
Kristina Gass
12 months ago
Future consideration
There are frequently changes to organizational structure where many teams need to be moved to different workspaces or moved to account level teams. There is currently no way to bulk update the workspace associated with a team within admin and requ...
Bonnie Trei
over 1 year ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
Aha! allows you to create feature workflows for a product, but not for a feature type. It would be helpful to have product workflows applicable beyond the product - allowing users to customize completion workflows per feature type.
Let's look at ...
Max Chanoch
almost 10 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Add the ability to color code Epics in the User Stories/Features Board
When viewing the User Story/Feature board, it would be great to be able to color code the Epic nested above the User Story. This would help to be able to visually differentiate all User Stories that are associated an Epic. The user should be able ...
Mikala T
about 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Allow conversion of Epic to Feature when the Epic contains features
When an Epic has no child features, you can convert it to a Feature. When an Epic has child features, today you cannot convert it to Feature. It would be a smoother workflow to allow Epics with child features to be converted to a Feature
Emily Yankush
almost 2 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
Make worksheet fields work the same as calculated columns
I can use this equation: if (field("fieldname") >= today(), true, false) -- where the field name is a custom date field in an Epic layout, as a calculated column but it won't work as a custom worksheet field equation because have to give the fi...
Robert B
almost 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Add "Workflow approval groups" in workspace settings to reporting
Who would benefit? people like myself that administer Aha! to my organization What impact would it make? easier to check the ingrity of these reviewers to ensure our most critical workflows are being managed properly How should it work? like other...
Kim Heuer
12 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Add a "Create Roadmap" button to the features priorisation page
What is the challenge? I spent a lot of time carefully ranking my features, which works well. Then i have to go and build a roadmap and add all the filters to get it to show the data. What is the impact? It slows me down and I have to repeat steps...
Mike Lowery
4 months ago
in Features / Roadmaps
Future consideration