Who would benefit? End users accessing Ideas Portal. Customers showing only relevant ideas to end users. What impact would it make? It makes the users accessing the Ideas portal with ease. How should it work? Problem: we have 20+ products and the ...
Raghuraman Rajendran
about 1 year ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
A method to effectively control and manage API access in Aha!
Who would benefit? Aha! administrators What impact would it make? It would help track the API usage across the instance. For example, if someone is generating heavy traffic by creating thousands of Aha features per minute, we as admins need a meth...
Alok Dath
11 months ago
in API
Future consideration
Add "Parking Lot" to the terminology area and allow a user to rename this. We have always used "Backlog" as our holding area for unscheduled ideas. When exporting the data to a report, executives aren't quite sure what "Parking Lot" refers to!
over 7 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement
What is the challenge? When I navigate to the Votes tab from an idea, I cannot search through the proxy votes to find the customer that voted on the idea. What is the impact? I have to navigate page-by-page to find the customer in question, and th...
Eliza Crawford
6 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Currently exist only pre-defined colors for Releases, Features and Initiatives in the Starter roadmap if you switch to Color bar by type. I would like to choose my own color e.g for all Initiatives
over 5 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Ability to create a set of todos or requirements based on a feature type
As a marketing team we often do the same things again and again. Currently, we have to use Podio to achieve the following.
For instance:
Creating a newsletter campaign requires the assigned person to do the following things and it's not ready unt...
almost 8 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Include Milestones in the expanded Release names section of the Epics Gantt Chart
Many companies use milestones to represent when a set of work items is to be delivered and these are only loosely coupled or decoupled from longer-term planning time boxes, which in Aha are best represented by Releases (e.g. quarterly time boxes)....
Rich Stewart
over 3 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
What is the challenge? People don't keep their roadmaps data complete and up-to-date What is the impact? Consumers of the roadmap don't have the information needed when interacting with the roadmap and either make incorrect judgments based on that...
3 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration