Scroll in presentation with up/down arrows on keyboard
In a published webpage presentation, it would be nice to be able to scroll up and down using keyboard keys instead of the scroll bar. I have a presentation that is a rather long page, and for several reasons we don't want to split it into separate...
over 3 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Possibility to color code / control color of the user field
Today we set ownership on initiative level, this is used to both report portfolios but also to make sure there is a clear owner of every initiative. Today the box is grey by default but we would benefit to be able to set color based on which use r...
Kristian Haglund
about 5 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
We share dashboard view to our clients for viewing ideas submitted for enhancing our product. But on dashboard there is no option to vote for an idea. Can we get an option to vote for an idea directly from dashboard.
over 1 year ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
When new fields are added to an integration and need to be mapped the integration has to be reloaded. Could the styling of the reload configuration button be improved so that it stands out more? Or is there a way to automatically check for updates?
allow "copying" of values from "tags" and "editable choice list" fields
It would be way helpful, if it would be possible to "copy" single or all values from "tags" and "editable choice list" fields, so I could "paste" those values to another Aha object or into email, document, slide or similar. Today, I have to use tw...
Christian Hartmann
over 3 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
When viewing a page that has hit a record limit a yellow alert bar is shown along the top. I'd like to be able to click a button to close this. On the Epics (Features) board this is taking up valuable space.
Lou Giambalvo
over 3 years ago
Future consideration
Auto-expand tree view in Settings->Configure Products
I understand why the page needs to refresh when I make changes to the hierarchy in tree view (at least I understand why that's easier to code than dynamically resorting the tree). But could the tree at least auto-expand. I spend more time opening ...
over 6 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
add a field in reporting with the name/email address of who submitted the comment
I want to be able to report on who is making comments. which organizations, etc. So either the name of the person who added the comment or the email address of the person who made the comment.
over 1 year ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Allow search for words who are part of separated list
Searching for the word "error" will not find features with a name "Indicate if terrain is processing/done/error in designs". This is due to the fact that AHA considers "processing/done/error" a single word. I suggest to treat the chars /,-,\ as wo...
over 1 year ago
in Features
Future consideration
URL link for comments within the Ideas Portal (not from in Aha!)
The ability to URL link directly to comments, edit comments, and basically have forum/imageboard like functionality for posts would also be fantastic. -- each comment should have a unique URL so they can easily be shared and referenced as a portal...
over 6 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration