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Option to hide Initiatives and Goals from other product lines

When I map Initiatives to a Master Feature or Feature, I am able to see all the Initiatives from a different product line. I would like the option to hide Initiatives and Goals from other product lines, as I'm not concerned with them in this parti...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Capacity planning - Let me switch between week numbers, week starting, and week ending dates

For me, it's difficult to use week numbers when trying to enter the number of hours I need to assign for a resource. My project plans use actual dates, not weeks, so I would rather use the week starting date. The way the capacity plan page current...
Jeffrey Heilbrunn almost 3 years ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Provide ability for the "hover help" for custom tabs

The custom fields enables you to add hover help for users through the "description" section for that field. Being able to do so for tabs would be great. We are using separate tabs depending on the "type" of the record and this would enable us to p...
Rachel North almost 3 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Horizontal Roadmap View

Overview roadmap in the form of a digestible one pager. Roadmap should read left to right, or at least in a horizontal form. Current function of roadmaps include a vertical top down view which depending on how many items, can only be viewed using ...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Display images/attachments better throughout Aha!

Screenshots are a HUGE aspect of how our company addresses (and I'm sure other tech companies) product development. Currently, all reports/presentations either don't display the images large enough, or they're not clickable to view larger/in great...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Associate set data for custom field

Use case is that roles are associated to particular locations, divisions and business units. We want to be able to add the role and Location and the system can associate the category, division and business unit. We want these additional fields to ...
Rachel North almost 3 years ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Enable presentation drill through for advanced estimates

We have a number of business representatives that want to get information/make decisions on work which are not active in Aha and only view the presentations that we use to report out. The estimates (which are being used to show impact to end-users...
Rachel North almost 3 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Sort calculated date field columns by actual DATE, not alphabetically

Calculated fields are handy when one needs to group reports by month/quarter. It creates a cleaner chart and allows for more aggregated data points. However, a surprising limitation is that if you drag this calculated DATE field into a chart for t...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Add an option to set images to their original size

Currently when images are added to a text areas in Aha!, the image is resized. This can occur even when the image width would not exceed the width of the text area. It would be really nice to have an option when hovering over the image to return t...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Application 1 Future consideration

Add Ability to not send a specific release to Rally on Master Feature or Feature

Rally has a concept of Backlog where the Release is set as 'Unscheduled'. But there is no way in Aha! to assign a Master Feature or Feature to something like 'Unscheduled' so that the Release information does not get populated in Rally. We want to...
Amy Lackas almost 6 years ago in Rally 0 Future consideration