When looking at the initiative it would be extremely helpful if the initiative had the value of Assignee in the user story section. NOTE: I created a mock of the wish
I understand we can create a report but sometimes it is easier to you an Initi...
When an idea is submitted, an email is generated and sent to the submitter. Email would be customizable by Aha! user/admin. Good add to product, because user is confirmed that Idea is submitted to idea portal, which brings more confidence to users...
almost 10 years ago
in Ideas portal
When a feature is linked to an existing epic in Jira, sync the child stories to Aha! as requirements
We map Aha! features to epics in Jira, with Aha! requirements as stories. When an epic already exist in Jira with child stories, I want to link that epic to a feature in Aha! and have the child stories immediately sync over as requirements.
As a Product Manager I have the need to calculate the release cycle time for our initiatives. I tried using the calculated columns feature however Release start date is not allowed to be part of the datediff function. Is that something we need to ...
Summary: Comments cannot be easily referenced because they are not numbered so if an update must be made, it's confusing and requires one to read through the entire thread. It would be better if an update can be made to the comment that's owned by...
Currently it's not possible to see which features are assigned to which user except by:
Filtering the Feature Board by assigned user
Going into each card one-by-one
This makes it hard to have a quick overview of who is responsible for what, or w...
When you're bulk editing across products, you cannot bulk edit custom field selections -- even if the products you're editing against are in the same product line and are inheriting the same custom fields. The custom fields are only bulk editable ...
In MIro, there's a template that is useful for visualising strategies - its called Mountain of Tomorrow - think it could be a useful tool to integrate to Aha as the conversion of post its to features is a great feature that would complement it