Allow to define the scope of tags/choice list custom field values (account vs. workspace)
It should be possible to define whether the values of choice list and tags custom fields (predefined or editable) are shared at account level (current behavior) or limited to workspace level such that workspaces can share a configuration but have ...
Thierry Loones
over 1 year ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
TestRail is a popular test case management tool. I would like a TestRail extension for Aha! Develop that provides deep integration between Aha! and TestRail.
Jeff Tucker
about 3 years ago
in Extensions
Future consideration
Report on available team capacity in list/pivot report
The Capacity report for teams provides the ability to see the available capacity per team per time period by hovering each cell/ It would be helpful to be able to include the available capacity per team in a list/pivot report. This would provide t...
Craig Pflumm
over 3 years ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
Currently, if you need to use a custom roadmap and the "show text inside thick line" option, text doesn't wrap. So if you need to display a good amount of text - a feature or master name, tags or labels, short summaries etc - you just get this ext...
over 5 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Update idea rank should remove value for records removed from ranked list
What is the challenge? When you click "update idea rank" in a prioritization view, it doesn't remove the rank value from any records that have been removed from the list. What is the impact? Over time, this causes records (ideas/features) reports ...
Choose unit to display effort values (such as estimates) in the pivot table
If a feature or requirement has an estimate of 5 days, then the corresponding estimate will count as 40 hours in the pivot table (for example when the requirement's estimated effort is summed as the cell value). This can result in figures that are...
almost 9 years ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
Allow setting paid seat group to "None" via CSV import
What is the challenge? It is possible to update a user's current paid seat group via a CSV import by adding a column for that field and inputting their new group info, but there is no way to fully remove a user from a paid seat group via this meth...
Maria Plotkina
6 months ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
add options to set / change the creationdate and the creator of an admin_response
What is the challenge? Admin responses will always have the date when it the response was added to the system and will ever be from that person who added it What is the impact? losing history when migrating ideas Describe your idea just make the a...
Oliver Berger
6 months ago
in API / Ideas portal
Future consideration
What is the challenge? The API documentation lacks some accuracy and is incomplete What is the impact? Even if Aha!`s support is always helping out, when i have strange API questions, a complete openapi / swagger document would be helpful Describe...
Oliver Berger
6 months ago
in API
Future consideration