The best ideas rarely come when you are sitting at your desk, which is why the Aha! mobile app is so convenient. However, there are times when stopping what you are doing to type an idea on your phone is not practical. For this type of situations,...
over 6 years ago
in Mobile
Will not implement
Ability to hide competitor fields for one competitor, not all of them at the same time
It often happens that you don't have all data for every competitor. In Aha! you can only choose between hiding it for all competitors or showing it for all competitors (meaning you will have empty fields).
Improve process for editing default refresh rate of Aha! views in presentations
I never want to "Edit" the way my slides look. In the future I may and i'm sure others do want to edit slides. The better approach here would've been to embed Charts and Objects into notes with the ability to freefrom edit the no...
over 6 years ago
in Presentations
Will not implement
Idea portal - Append feature ID if one has been created to the idea.
On the right side of the screen there is a Idea summary with new , popular, and so on.
it would be great to identify if these items have been converted to features or if they've had their status's changed in some way.
over 6 years ago
in Ideas
Will not implement
I would like the ability to edit transition dates from when an item goes from one status to another. For example, if someone forgets to move an item, I’d like to be able to change the date to what was accurate in the reports.
Russell Swisher
over 6 years ago
Will not implement
Ability to pull data from public repositories on Github
As an open source company, we track hundreds of projects hosted by Github, many of which we do not own or administer.
We would benefit from a Github integration that allows us to track public Github repositories. There is no need to update the rep...
over 6 years ago
in GitHub
Will not implement
Allow Trello tags to persist beyond the initial import
It would be great to allow the Trello/Aha integration to filter Trello tasks based on an assigned task until changed. We have a team that mainly uses Trello to track their groups' work, but some of their projects overlap with our dev team. The PMs...
Patty Dennis-Jones
over 6 years ago
in Trello
Will not implement
Ability to Create Integration Templates for Pivotal Tracker
The integration templates for Jira have saved me TONS of time. I would love the ability to lean on templates for all of my Pivotal Tracker integrations as well.
over 6 years ago
in Pivotal Tracker
Will not implement
If you do the following you can get back a saved draft of an item - which is great functionality! 1. Create a Todo (eg on a initiative) with some description2. Navigate away from the todo without saving (because you forgot)3. Go back to the same i...
Austin Merritt
over 6 years ago
Will not implement
As a new client I setup the Github 2.0 integration and imported our existing issues as features.
I now have a large task of organising them all from the the parking lot and would find it easier and more intuitive if the IDs of the Aha! features wa...
over 6 years ago
in GitHub
Will not implement