What is the challenge? Formatting in Reporting What is the impact? Reports are not as easy to read and not shareable with Executive Team. Describe your idea Allow formatting of cell values across all reporting (we are specifically challenged with ...
Tim Sweeney
about 1 month ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Calculate initial estimate from estimates on child Features
What is the challenge? Initial estimate for large capabilities (Epics) does not calculate based on estimates of child Features What is the impact? Confusion by engineering on the level of confidence expected for roadmap-level estimates Manually ad...
Add "Recently shipped" to Now, Next, Later roadmap
What is the challenge? I want to use the Now, Next, Later roadmap to publicize plans to my customers without sharing exact dates. In this roadmap view I want to also share what has shipped within a defined date range. What is the impact? To includ...
Bonnie Trei
7 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
What is the challenge? I want to see the columns I need in the idea list and filter by certain ones without having to find the saved view someone else created to do that What is the impact? I have to navigate to the saved view, this wastes time. O...
Lisa Hamblin
4 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
When publishing a competitor chart to Presentation text is not aligned
What is the challenge? When publishing a strategic competitors Chart to our Presentation the chart text is misaligned What is the impact? The High and Low text is grouped together and not aligned as expected. Describe your idea The presentation sh...
18 days ago
in Strategy
Planning to implement
Allow for automations that "match" multi-select fields
What is the challenge? We need to be able to automatically populate multi-select fields in lower-level item types based on the entries in top-level Ideas. Today we have to create individual automation rules to add and remove each individual list s...
about 1 month ago
in Features
Future consideration
What is the challenge? We have automations that push fields downstream to other item types. Since they can only be triggered when the top-level item is created or the field is edited, the automations are not pushing data to the lower levels becaus...
about 1 month ago
in Features
Future consideration
Allow partial search containing the feature reference number (prefix) when linking features to epics
What is the challenge? Partial searches do not produce any results when linking features to epics. Partial search does work for the feature name, and does work in other parts of the app. What is the impact? Unable to search for a feature using the...
Leigh Villalovos
3 months ago
Likely to implement
What is the challenge? I can design card views for the entire roadmap and want to put release date on the Now column but not the next or Later due to the level of commitment the farther out we get. What is the impact? Sharing release dates for now...
Melissa Miller
4 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
I need the ability to add a Default View for Epics for the Prioritization Board
What is the challenge? We are heavily using Epics and need to be able to set the prioritization on them in a saved view that we force load for anyone who goes to an Epic Prioritization page for a Workspace. What is the impact? Cannot show all user...
Leanne Miller
7 months ago
in Epics
Future consideration