I need an easier way to add new users. Import from CSV is not convenient. I need to periodically add users, maybe 1 or 2 at a time – I can’t make an excel sheet every time. What I would like is something like how you would add users to a tool when...
Assignee does not get sent to Jira if using Default Assignee functionality
If you use the "default assignee" functionality, then that assignee will not get sent to Jira, even if that user exists in Jira. This could be considered a bug.
Avigail Ehrenhaus
about 9 years ago
in Jira
Already exists
Improve display of the Iniative > Feature hierarchy in pivots
If I add Initiatives and Features to the Cells section of a pivot table (not Rows or Columns), the display is a little funny. It lists all the features and prepends the Initiative with a dash in between. It would be better to see more of a hierarc...
Jonathon Leeke
over 9 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Current: I don't seem to be able to edit the requirement name field after saving it; at least, there is no intuitive way to do it.
Target: allow the name field of requirements to be edited directly in the feature view.
Max Cascone
over 9 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Allow importing users via CSV into as ideas portal users
I have a private portal where I have more than 50 users. Having to copy/paste email addresses and names that many times, stinks. And this won't be the last time I want/need to add a bulk set of users.
When I'm looking at the features list of a Release, there's no way to go look at the Release's info. Currently I go up to the Releases tab and find it, or to the Feature board and find it there. I would like to be able to view the Release's data w...
Max Cascone
over 9 years ago
in Releases
Already exists
Can I have a List or Pivot of Initiatives? Currently those things are based on Feature records. If I try to use Initiatives as the cell value, then it shows multiples (since there are multiple underlying features with those initiatives). Please gi...
Jonathon Leeke
over 9 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Whenever we have a change in workflow, which happens often when you're figuring out the tool, you need to update the status of ideas and features in bulk.
Right now, it's one at a time, which is very painful.
Ross Reynolds (External)
over 9 years ago
in Ideas
Already exists
I spend most of my time on the Workflow page, and I find myself going back to the list view simply to add a feature, then coming back. I don't see any reason why the ability to create a new feature couldn't be on the Workflow page as well.
over 9 years ago
in Features
Already exists