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Add "Undo" button into the HTML editor

When trying to adjust line spacing in an HTML form, tables often get deleted when trying to just delete a line space. There is currently no "undo" button. The only way of restoring the deletion is to view the history and copy/paste it back in.
Julie Edwards over 5 years ago in Notes 0 Already exists

View all company ideas

Hi, this seems like something I may be missing, but if it doesn't exist, I'd like to suggest a Product-line view of Ideas. For my use case, it is very helpful to see all ideas the team is working on at once. I am a small team and we don't have a P...
Guest over 5 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

Fix Sorting

This is NOT accurate sorting parameters. Numbers should sort in numerical order. Please update ASAP so quantitative columns sort 1-10 & not A-Z.
Guest over 5 years ago in Reports 1 Already exists

I would need the ability to sort a pivot report by values in calculated cells

Pivot tables in excel help me sort values based on calculated cells. Example: count(field1) needs to be sorted from largest to smallest, I am not able to so it We have regular internal meetings to understand how Aha tool can help us overcome the c...
Guest over 5 years ago in Reports 1 Already exists

Add unfiltered survey results to idea portal for Feedback Repository needs.

In order to use Aha! Ideas as a single source of Feedback respiratory for my project, I need to also be able to add my unfiltered survey notes and usability testing notes.
Guest over 5 years ago in Ideas 0 Already exists

Collapse or hide the left panel in Personal / Account / Product settings

Need the ability to hide or collapse the left panel left panel in Personal/Account/Product settings (like we can collapse the directions box in google maps or mapquest, for example). For 3 illustrations of this issue, please see the attachment wi...
Guest over 5 years ago in Account settings 0 Already exists

Integration with Jira: Ability to filter imported Jira releases/versions by date

Integration with Jira: Ability to filter imported Jira releases/versions by date Problem: A lot of manual clean up is required when integrating with Jira projects that have many past releases. There is no functionality to filter out old releases. ...
Guest over 5 years ago in Jira 0 Already exists

Retain timeframe filter in Models

I select a timeframe within Models so that only a subset of models are listed. As soon as I click a different model in the list, the Timeframe filter is reset and everything is shown again. It's really annoying!! Remember the selected timeframe as...
Julie Edwards over 5 years ago in Strategy 1 Already exists

Icon/bitmap as data object

Would be a great feature to enhance various reports by allowing an icon/bitmap data field. We currently use these as corporate tags but in AHA we have to convert them to words in our reports.
Paul Dickie over 5 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

preserve the filters that I set in a report when I add that report to a notebook

it is really frustrating to spend a bunch of time creating the filters for the view I want - to then add that report to a notebook and find all the info I've just filtered out!!!!!
Guest over 5 years ago in Presentations 0 Already exists