Many Aha users are using goal as a basic analog for objective to create a simple working implmentation of OKRs in Aha. However it seems the new dependencies mapping feature can maps everything to everything else apart from goals. Therefore we can'...
Release phase and milestone dependency improvements to make easier to use and provide greater visualization
We're trying to establish a way to show dependencies between releases and be able to visualize those. There are currently 2 ways to show some sort of dependency:-feature to feature-milestone/phase to milestone/phase I have read the article on the ...
Chris Waters
about 9 years ago
in Dependencies
Is there any way to get feature links from the API, specifically dependencies / related features? This would be really useful, since there's no way to visualise dependencies in Aha I'd like to be able to extract them.
Support deeper joins than second level on the dependency report
The Problem Currently it is only possible to add data from one level deep on the dependency report. So for example, you can add master feature name when features are your dependent record type. But you cannot add the master features' release name....
Austin Merritt
almost 6 years ago
in Dependencies