What is the challenge? Regular updates are needed for Aha Roadmaps shared on a company-internal site to ensure data freshness. Embedding only works when content is left unsecured, and linking to securely published content introduces some experienc...
David I.
6 months ago
in API
Future consideration
I'm looking at https://www.aha.io/api/resources/ideas There is an API to search ideas by name, by id, by tag but I don't see any API to search ideas by custom fields. Is that supported?
over 7 years ago
in API / Ideas
Future consideration
provide idea_endorsements and idea_subscriptions as part of the get all idea api
What is the challenge? get a complete view via API on ideas What is the impact? currently you need to do 3 queries to get the complete idea Describe your idea add fields=idea_endorsements,idea_subscriptions to the https://www.aha.io/api/resources/...
Oliver Berger
7 months ago
in API / Ideas portal
Future consideration
What is the challenge? We have a scenario wherein Github is becoming Single Source of Truth for any changes. Our idea is that can Aha! have a listener. Listener will listen to any changes in Github. this will help changes in Aha! maintained. this ...
Shiv Shankar Vedharajan
7 months ago
in API
Future consideration
I am interested in your software but I need the following two asks: I need this to have a native integration with Adobe Workfront or at least a RESTAPI with Workfront Fusion and if your software is compliant with SAFe Framework. Thanks.
over 2 years ago
in API
Future consideration
What is the challenge? When linking with Epics in JIRA, if the title of the Epic in JIRA has a "-" in it, the comparison field for the name doesn't show any character before the "-" What is the impact? slight annoyance of having to put the correct...
Create an Azure Connector https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/connectors/ so that we can integrate easily with other applications using the Power Platform and Logic Apps. Essentially this is a wrapper for the Aha! API.
Dave Ball
over 2 years ago
in API
Future consideration
For the "List ideas for a product" endpoint, it would be useful to have the ability to filter on categories. Users have this ability within ideas portals, but there doesn't seem to be a way to achieve this in the API.
Kieran Scott
over 1 year ago
in API
Future consideration