Reference field for different capacity planning scenarios
We want to use estimates from capacity planning to feed into one of our initiative record worksheets in order to get an idea of cost (estimated hours x blended rate). This works in concept using the "original_estimate" reference field; however, we...
Anh Truong
over 4 years ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
relative time-based estimates in capacity planning
Context: One of the main activities when planning for capacity is rescheduling activities until each team's capacity is maximized but not exceeded . An activity (feature/epic/initiative) might be rescheduled multiple times in this process, until a...
Gianmarco Spiga
over 4 years ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
The Capacity Report is a great tool to help me schedule the development of my planned features against the available team capacity. I need to be able to summarize the total spend for management. A desired output would be a summary of the total amo...
Ability to get feedback if a newly entered feature estimate does not align with team capacity
The Capacity Report allows me to schedule the execution of my feature development and to identify any capacity constraints within my existing plan. This is very useful especially when teams are supporting multiple products. It's very common for ne...
Ability to segment advanced estimates by spend type
Management needs to view a summary of the split between CapEx and OpEx costs. A given feature can include a mix of both types of expenses and there needs to be a way to capture the split of CapEx and OpEx within the estimate. There also needs to b...
A team will have a defined cost that is applicable for the calendar year. When putting together a multi-year plan, there needs to be a way to account for factors that will cause the team's cost to increase (e.g. inflation). There needs to be an ab...
It would be great if Aha! provided a step-by-step wizard to setup the Capacity Planning for Teams feature, very similar to how the current integration setup wizard functions. As an admin, I am not quite sure the sequence that I need to set up the ...
Customize capacity to round to more granular levels
Hours is a fairly ridiculous estimation metric for a large project being planned for several months hence and requires a lot of cognition to reason about. Yes, we can do math and convert, but the UI shows hours in many places and when it shows day...
Limit previous months visibility on Capacity Planning - Set Advanced Estimate Screen by time
I would like to limit the number of visible months in the Capacity Planning Detail view for any of my initiatives. See source issue:
Mike Jacobson
over 4 years ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
Efficient removal of scenarios from capacity planning for teams
After having completed planning with the use of various scenarios (with capacity planning for teams), I would have narrowed down my optimal scenario and would want to remove or archive scenarios that are no longer needed. Currently to delete a sce...