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Conditional Fields in custome Fields

In some case I would like to have a condition in which if field X is defined with value X1 than Field Y is automatically set to value Y1 This can help in ensuring data integrity and ease of use Thanks
Guest over 4 years ago in Epic 4 Shipped

Changing the Default Name "Master Feature"

As we were doing some training today on Aha, it occurred to me that we use the default name of "Master Feature" that Aha! provides. The term "master" as it relates to this usage has some deep negative connotations that started back with slavery. (...
Guest about 4 years ago in Epic 0 Shipped

Master Features integrate with Trello

We would like to keep all specs in master features and be able to push them into Trello for our Dev teams to have them on their board. Our dev teams use hello epic and organize their tasks that way so they'd be able to reference the master feature...
Guest about 6 years ago in Epic 1 Shipped

Add product score to initiative as well

We are using scores for initiatives as well and we need to carry it over to initiative if and when the idea is promoted.
Kote Khutsishvili about 1 year ago in Epic 0 Shipped

Prioritization should set Epic Rank

The prioritization screen is a great, consolidated way to prioritize epics or features. However, when using this to rank epics and then saving, the rank is not what is reflected in the Epic Rank field. This is still overwritten based on the positi...
Lexy K almost 2 years ago in Epic 0 Shipped

Scorecard labels need more space again

The recent update of the scorecards (which I generally like) comes with waaay too short labels. Generally I don't see a reason for the cards being so tiny and labels being truncated. Bigger cards, allowing for more (meaningful) content, would be v...
Guest over 2 years ago in Epic 3 Shipped

Capacity planning: option to pre-populate teams

Please provide an option to pre-populate the list of teams in the capacity planning section of each epic. We have 14 teams where we're capturing estimates. When entering capacity data, it's very onerous having to manually add a row for each team t...
Brian Trombley almost 4 years ago in Epic 1 Shipped

Aha will not direct the user to the last epic prioritization page they were on.

What is the challenge? Aha will always direct the user to the last tab they were on. For other view/page like workflow, board or details under feature, it works. But not for prioritization page. Users get confused since Aha can't direct them to ep...
Ashton Tsou 4 months ago in Epic 0 Shipped

Link to creative brief should go to 'presentation' view and not 'editor' view

as a marketing manager, in experimenting with creative briefs I utilized the custom field 'creative brief' picker for our master activities. However when my team clicks on the creative brief, it opens up the 'editor' view instead of the 'presentat...
jason mercer over 4 years ago in Epic 0 Shipped

Create and edit master features directly in the Releases > Gantt chart

I'd like to be able to create a master feature directly in the Releases > Gantt charts. This will save me from going to another tab to create a master feature, then creating a feature underneath that, and then refreshing my original Gantt chart...
Guest about 5 years ago in Epic 0 Shipped