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List features associated to an initiative

From the Initiative Page it would be good to be able to see all the Epic linked to an initiative so it is easy to get grouped all the Epics on this view.
Guest about 3 years ago in Epics 0 Already exists

More flexibility in how lists of child items are displayed

Across Aha! one can see the child-items of a parent - for exaample, Master Features in an Initiative; or Features belonging to a Master Feature. These items are listed in a static fashion. The items are listed in an alphabetical order and may have...
Venky N almost 5 years ago in Epics 1 Future consideration

Report to show how many work requests are linked to each epic

Ability to produce report showing how many Work Requests are linked to each Epic. As well as to show hierarchical linkage: Initiative - Epic/s - Work Requests against each Epic
Guest over 1 year ago in Epics 0 Future consideration

Allowing Release IDs to be imported with Master Features

When importing multiple Master Features that are all for different products and releases it is currently not possible to specify where you want each one to go. I would like to be able to with a single import be able to say that Master Feature A go...
Guest over 6 years ago in Epics 0 Future consideration

Add a Master Feature to Multiple Releases

There are times when a Master Feature gets released into multiple Releases. It would be nice to see the master feature and all the releases associated with it form the Gantt Chart.
Guest about 5 years ago in Epics 2 Unlikely to implement

Moving EPIC to a new workspace

Would like to have the ability to move an EPIC to a a different workspace, it looks like this can only be completed at an initiative level currently?
Ruth Gardiner over 1 year ago in Epics 1 Already exists

Ability to Sort Milestones, Master Activities and Activities

The ability to sort milestones, Master Activities and Activities will allow the teams to know the next steps in order to complete a milestone, or Master Activity. Currently we are having to enter the last item first so it show up properly in a list.
Guest over 3 years ago in Epics 1 Already exists

Releases vs Epic view and how they don't seem to relate at all to eachother. And roadmaps doesn't fit in either like they're all different things when they should overlap and be related

releases only have phases which don't relate/droppable for epics or features. Why can't things roll up under epics which are rolled up under the release or phase? doesn't make sense I can see one view of the release but looking at the epics it loo...
Guest over 3 years ago in Epics / Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Error upon attaching files to Epic

When i attempt to attach certain .xls files to an epic, aha returns the following error, "Upload failure reason unknown",
Guest over 3 years ago in Epics 0 Unlikely to implement

Please add the concept of "Sprints" separate from "Releases"

Please indulge me be allowing me to start off with some definitions. Sprints are generally 1-3 weeks long, happen at a regular cadence and don't have anything to do with ongoing projects/releases other than the fact that Stories related to a proje...
Guest over 5 years ago in Epics 2 Already exists