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Showing 33

Propagate Epic status change to linked Features

What is the challenge? Change in Epic status not reflected in associated Features What is the impact? Lack of status sync between Epic & Features Describe your idea We leverage Epic as the primary record for approval workflow. I would like to ...
Senthil G 3 months ago in Epics 0 Already exists

Change PBI Tab to All Caps (PBIs)

What is the challenge? Configuring Tab What is the impact? Formatting is Wrong Describe your idea Would be nice if the PBI portion of the Capabilities/PBIs tab was capitalized so it was formatted correctly. It should be PBIs, and not all lower case.
Guest 30 days ago in Epics 0 Already exists

Global Automation Rules

What is the challenge? Set up automation rules for more than one workspace What is the impact? An easier way to setup automation rules in multiple workspace (without the need to copy the rules) Describe your idea Currently if we want to use the sa...
Edgar Holguin 4 months ago in Epics 0 Already exists

Hide Master Features from selection list when Master Feature has been released

When creating a feature and linking it to a Master Feature, the Master Feature selection list shows every Master Feature created. We need the option to hide/remove the display of Master Features that have been Released or Closed from this list.
Guest almost 7 years ago in Epics 0 Already exists

Calculate initiative progress based on Master Feature completion status

You can already calculate the initiative progress based on features completed based on their workflow status. I'd like to see the same option applied for Master Features. Current progress calculation options for initiatives Calculate from releases...
Miika Kettunen about 5 years ago in Epics 1 Already exists

Bug: If your epic layout has Status but not Team you don't see the status. You can only see the status if you have Team enabled too, since it's like a sub-component on the Team layout row

Who would benefit? Anyone trying to optimize their layouts What impact would it make? You wouldn't waste time trying to figure out why the status row wasn't showing up How should it work? It would either show you the status row even if you didn't ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Epics 1 Already exists

Option to hide goals and initiatives from selection on the Master Feature, Feature or Release

I would like the ability to mark a goal or initiative as complete/obsolete so that they are not available for selection on the Master Feature, Feature or Release. I know that you can do this via Archive, but the issue with this is on the reporting...
Amy Lackas almost 6 years ago in Epics 1 Already exists

List features associated to an initiative

From the Initiative Page it would be good to be able to see all the Epic linked to an initiative so it is easy to get grouped all the Epics on this view.
Guest about 3 years ago in Epics 0 Already exists

Moving EPIC to a new workspace

Would like to have the ability to move an EPIC to a a different workspace, it looks like this can only be completed at an initiative level currently?
Ruth Gardiner over 1 year ago in Epics 1 Already exists

Ability to Sort Milestones, Master Activities and Activities

The ability to sort milestones, Master Activities and Activities will allow the teams to know the next steps in order to complete a milestone, or Master Activity. Currently we are having to enter the last item first so it show up properly in a list.
Guest over 3 years ago in Epics 1 Already exists