More control over UI User Story Map: Features organized in 2 columns under a single master feature & step
When working with many features, it is important that Features in User Story Map can be organized in two columns or more under a single master feature and single column per step. Currently each column must have a master feature * at the top of eac...
over 5 years ago
in User story map
Unlikely to implement
It would be useful if Story Mapping had a history/audit trail so you can see changes which have been made across the whole story map (rather than reviewing history for each specific item).
Tom Bailey
over 5 years ago
in User story map
Unlikely to implement
Promoting Story Maps to a first class object would enable users to: list story maps list and select stories in a story map for bulk operations list and select epics in a story map for bulk operations Sometimes I want to tag all the stories associa...
almost 5 years ago
in User story map
Future consideration
Our teams have been leveraging Phases heavily & they are important milestones in the User Journey... Would be exceedingly helpful if you could also visualize the Phases within a Release (cascading similar to Gantt).
almost 5 years ago
in User story map
Future consideration
What is the challenge? The user journey map feature in Aha! lacks functionality to make journey maps easily consumed and understood by internal stakeholders. What is the impact? User journey maps feature in Aha! is not used, requiring product owne...
Change which parking lot release the user story map creates records in
Currently the user story map creates records in the left-most parking lot release - the way we use our parking lot releases makes this not ideal and will require a process change. Instead, it would be nice if this was either user configurable to s...
Todd Meyer
over 5 years ago
in User story map
Unlikely to implement
Adding color options would be able to indicate dependencies in User Story Maps, urgent issues, etc, without additional coding. This may be a faster route to classifying additional card types in Story Mapping without a lot of code.
almost 5 years ago
in User story map
Future consideration
Steps within user story maps can't be utilized in a pivot table
What is the challenge? unable to include user steps from a story map to help provide a comprehensive view of a release with a pivot table What is the impact? requires multiple pivot table views to tell complete story Describe your idea allow user ...
Robert B
9 months ago
in User story map
Future consideration