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Removal vs clear value in Idea filter

I use multiple filters to search the Ideas List. I regularly find myself accidentally deleting the filter "widgets" by clicking the X button. I thought I was actually imagining it at first. What I intend to do is clear the text value that is in t...
Susan Parker over 6 years ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Suppress email notifications to subscribers who added the comment

Currently if a subscriber to an idea adds a comment to that idea, they will receive an email notification that a comment has been added, even though that was a comment from themselves. It would be better if this email was suppressed or could be di...
Mark Evans over 6 years ago in Ideas 2 Already exists

Reviewer to proxy vote

Provide permissions to reviewers to be able to add proxy votes to ideas. Currently, they have no way to provide input on behalf of their customers or sales representations as they must request a contribute/owner to do this on their behalf. Very in...
Karie Kelly over 4 years ago in Voting 0 Already exists

I want to have control over the order or releases in Features/Details view

For our SaaS app we define many parking lots to group similar/related/dependent features together. We then prioritize the parking lots left (high pri) to right (low pri). That works great in the Features/Board view, but when you switch over to the...
Guest over 8 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

Export search results

I would like to capture the results of my idea search by keyword in a report. Our org has not used tags historically very consistently, otherwise I could search using the tags. But when I get good results, there's no way to retrieve (export to pdf...
Guest over 4 years ago in Search 0 Future consideration

Provide more data formatting options in equations

When using the dateformat function, it would be nice to have more documented options for the data format. For example, there is an undocumented “D” option in the formula that returns the day of the week 1-7. If there are specific date formats that...
Austin Merritt over 4 years ago in  2 Future consideration

Ranking ideas changes position in list

When reviewing items in the Prioritization page, some clearly fall to the bottom of the rankings. It’s nice to be able to click into the Rank field and type a number like “50” to throw it way down the rank. The problem is, when I do that the page ...
Guest about 2 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Improve display of filtering by quarterly plan

When using a dashboard and filtering by quarterly plan, the drop down displays the quarters associated with the selected workspace - as expected. However, when the drop down is not 'dropped down', it is showing a quarterly plan from a different w...
Guest about 2 years ago in Reports 1 Already exists

Customize capacity to round to more granular levels

Hours is a fairly ridiculous estimation metric for a large project being planned for several months hence and requires a lot of cognition to reason about. Yes, we can do math and convert, but the UI shows hours in many places and when it shows day...
Guest over 4 years ago in Capacity planning / Epic 1 Future consideration

Put Requirements in the To-Do section

Put Requirements in the To-Do section so I can see my due dates, or allow me to switch/add all requirements to the To-Dos drop down
Guest about 2 years ago in Application 0 Future consideration