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Keep Links/Relationships when moving Initiatives

I don't understand why when you move an Initiative from one product to another it loses all associated records. The roll-up and related releases are still relevant & you can link these things across products so why drop them when moving?
Guest over 5 years ago in Strategy 2 Shipped

Drop deleted releases from user story maps

When a release is deleted, it should automatically fall off the user story map. Today, the ghost of the release stays on the map and has to be explicitly deleted.
Tom Beck over 5 years ago in User story map 1 Shipped

Allow notebooks to be sorted

Currently, notebooks always sort by the last edited. While this is nice to know, I would really like to determine how my notebooks are sorted or at least by some other criteria like name or create date.
Rob Bedeaux over 9 years ago in Presentations 0 Shipped

Aha to VSTS Integration Template

We would like to have the ability to create a template for Aha to VSTS Integration that can be shared with all products. This template would include the mapping requirements outlined, and allow that to be shared as a standard for all products. Ide...
Guest about 8 years ago in Integrations 0 Shipped

Add status and target dates to Hierarchy Report

The new Hierarchy Report is great. It would be awesome of we could get feature status and planned completion dates as columns or within the Feature column
Thomas Cruse about 8 years ago in Reports 1 Shipped

New Product Score modal: I have to zoom out to 80% to see the "update score" button.

The new product score/evaluation modal didn't fit within my screen at 100%. I had to zoom out to 80% in order to click on update score. Scrolling down did not fix this issue either.
Claire A almost 3 years ago in Ideas 2 Shipped

Visual indicator that a release has been sent to Jira

As I create new releases, I need to be able to see whether or not I have "Sent to Jira." Given that sending a release to Jira is the key action that initiates the continued sync between Jira and Aha!, this is extremely important to visually see (e...
Guest over 9 years ago in Features 1 Shipped

Inability/inconsistency to specify product line terminology

The Terminology settings in Aha! currently do not include the ability to specify a term for product lines. However, what does happen is the product line type which is specified in the Configure product line page is what is displayed in the primary...
Matt Case over 8 years ago in Account settings 3 Shipped

Embedded Feedback Form for Web Applications

I know you have the ability to embed a Create Idea form in an iFrame, I'm looking for a more integrated option. I'd like to prompt for feedback in specific areas of my application. Clicking the feedback button would ask them specific questions abo...
Ryan Thiessen over 8 years ago in Ideas portal 1 Shipped

Search custom fields

Search field contents are not used in search all contents.
Alejandro Blaas over 9 years ago in Application 7 Shipped