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Allow re-arranging of schedule/release details when inserting "details" view into report

As a team manager, I would like to be able to arrange which fields show up in the left, center, and right columns when adding Schedule/Release details to a report, so that I can better display project information. Currently, the fields that appear...
Harrison Hopkins over 3 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Ability to copy formatting from one cell of a table to another

more efficient to copy formatting from one cell to another
Guest over 3 years ago in Presentations 0 Future consideration

Google Launch Cal

I know its not good to compare what the competition is doing, but just stumbled on this site, and thought it had great automation and process flow around stakeholder communication and launch releases that it would be worth evaluating how Aha stack...
Guest over 3 years ago in Calendar 1 Future consideration

Repository for competitor reviews

When doing competitor reviews, sometimes we are comparing the different companies on a matrix. However, the way the workspaces are organised they only allow for deep dives into each individual competitor. We would need an space to save this docume...
Guest over 3 years ago in Account settings 2 Future consideration

Allow search on summary and title fields

Currently search terms are applied to the entire record. This means that any search returns many more results with the chances of finding the desired one diminishing.
Guest over 3 years ago in Search 0 Future consideration

Provide a way to see which requirement contribute to the remaining estimate

From the estimate remaining field on the summary screen see which requirements make up the remaining when this is set based on requirements or expose the requirements estimate in the collapsed view for requirements.
David G over 3 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Limited access for project team members

We are using Aha! to track projects and programs and if there was a role that allowed project managers and team members to update specific attributes of a schedule, activity or requirement it would increase buy in for the use of Aha! for the proje...
Chris Brooks over 3 years ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Add a view in any editable content place

Currently you can add a view inside a note. It will be awesome to be able to add a view anywhere a textarea that allow you to add tables, images, etc. is possible. That way, I can create pivot view and put it inside a release or inside the overvie...
Jeremy Fourna over 3 years ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Select workspaces that ideas can be created/searched through Zendesk integration

We'd like a similar feature to the Salesforce integration where we can choose which workspaces ideas are added and searchable in the Zendesk integration. For a variety of reasons, we have ideas in several workspaces, but we only want ideas to crea...
Steven Chan over 3 years ago in Integrations 0 Future consideration

I would like to change the terminology of the field Comments in Ideas

I can change the terminology from most of the fields in Ideas, and thats great for me that will send these forms to people that not speak English, but now I cant change of the Comments, and that would be nice. I would also like to change the poss...
Luana Villwock Silva over 7 years ago in Ideas / Ideas portal 1 Future consideration