Who would benefit? All teams who create parent-child relationships What impact would it make? It would help teams who are using record link reporting to validate data relationships How should it work? In the attached example, a feature belongs to ...
Jeanette Resnikoff
over 1 year ago
Future consideration
Jira includes a set of emojis under the Productivity menu that do not translate to Aha! images. Add support for these custom emojis so that rich descriptions can be sync'd between the applications.
What is the challenge? When I create an integration template, it is based on a workspace integration that I put in place. If I make changes to that workspace integration, it adjusts the template. My challenge is that I would like to create a templ...
Tobias H
about 1 month ago
in API
Future consideration
Improve AI prompt for release notes such that we generate a bullet per selected record
What is the challenge? In some cases when generating AI Release notes, the number of selected records does not align to the number of bullets rendered in the output. What is the impact? Release note output produces inconsistent results. Describe y...
Ashley Tierney
4 months ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Intelligently reduce fields shown when adding fields to a report
What is the challenge? When I am building a report, every time I go to add a field to a report, I get a dropdown showing every possible field associated with that record. Fields for every custom workflow for every workflow in the account, tons of ...
Max Robbins
12 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Display embedded Aha! views in published whiteboards
What is the challenge? Aha! roadmap views etc. embedded in a whiteboard show "Preview is unavailable" when the whiteboard is published in a webpage What is the impact? Improve the sharing and user experience for whiteboard users who are communicat...
Jeanette Resnikoff
9 months ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
Allow use of Mapped fields template with one field difference for each integration
What is the challenge? Can't use Mapping Integration template. Have to update multiple integration for every mapping change since one has to be different. What is the impact? Would save a ton of time for our team. Describe your idea We have around...
What is the challenge? Users unable to get additional info on Native Aha fields. For example: what States represent of how Date fields should be used. What is the impact? Users will be able to get more context on field usage. Describe your idea Wo...
Alex Berestenko
3 months ago
in Features
Future consideration
Ability to quickly link to the editable version of a published note
When viewing my knowledge base when logged in, I need to be able to quickly get to the editable version. Similar to Ideas portals, there should be link to “View in Aha!” so that I can quickly get to that document and edit it.
Scott Goldblatt
7 months ago
in Knowledge bases
Future consideration