Idea Portal sub-title Links on a form should open in a new tab
Issue: Clicking a link in the Idea Portal subtitle will navigate the user away from entering an idea in the current URL Request: Have the ability Idea Portal sub-title click link that opens in a new browser tab
Mike Jacobson
almost 4 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
I would like the ability to add an explanation as to why a status changed when I change the status on the idea. Right now I only have the ability to change the status which will send one email then I have to add a comment on the comments tab which...
over 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Who would benefit? users of approvals in workflows What impact would it make? add flexibility to select approvers by feature instead of generalizing and expecting that all features in a workspace have the same approver(s) How should it work? A use...
over 1 year ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Who would benefit? What impact would it make? How should it work? Under each feature name there is a line called "Created by" with the feature creation date and creator's name. This real estate could be better used if this was just included in the...
over 1 year ago
in Features
Future consideration
When viewing the list of features in the master features, we can see the feature name, with a link to open it, and its status. The status should be a dropdown to quickly change the status of each feature directly from the master feature.
over 6 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
We are an outsourced product management company, so we have alot of integrations to alot of our customers. We have found that when an individual in one of our customers orgs makes a comment, the comment text is sync'd, but the name of the person w...
Currently, in Notes, various reports and views can be embedded. However, features roadmap is not an option. I would like to be able to embed my existing roadmap into Notes without creating a separate view that does not match my roadmap I use elsew...
Carah Counts
almost 4 years ago
in Notes
Future consideration
Rally Integration - Add Column for Rally Format ID
As we're preparing for an import of records & Rally integration set up, It would be helpful to add a column with the Rally Format ID also as it helps align & track easier than just the name & Record ID
Victoria Morrella
almost 4 years ago
in Rally
Future consideration
As a Product Owner who reports on the strategy initiatives, I would like for my "estimate" field on the epics to roll up to the Initiatives "estimate" field in a similar manner as Feature estimate's roll up to Epic's estimate field with the "Use f...
Automation to Create Duplicate Record in Another Workspace
We have multiple teams who work in multiple workspaces where one body of work being created may trigger another body of work to be created. Currently we need to copy the record and then move the copy to the other workspace. Ideally we would be abl...
Kristina Ursin
over 2 years ago
in Features
Future consideration