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Indicate confidence metric with score on feature card

With the new confidence metric available on scorecards and the ability to adjust a score over time, when reviewing relative scores on a feature board (and elsewhere that scores appear) it would be useful to see an indication of the confidence leve...
Tim Sachs over 2 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Add a filter for 'Access from' in Menu: Info > Workspace Users

The issue is that we have hundreds of users 'inheriting' access to product workspaces and it would be nice to filter down to see who has access to the product only. We need to be able to filter for 'Access from' in Menu: Info > Workspace Users
Mike Jacobson over 3 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Presentation Snapshot - Mass Edit Update Frequency

In our workflows, there are frequent needs to mass edit update frequency on all slides of a presentation. It is very inconvenient of having to do this slide by slide all the time. For the record out of hundreds of the presentations that we do have...
Alex B almost 5 years ago in Presentations 1 Future consideration

Allow hiding idea portal logo in emails

Sometimes you do not want the idea portal logo to show at the top of the emails that users receive. Allow an option to hide the logo so that it will not be included in the email
Guest almost 5 years ago in Branding 1 Future consideration

Horizontal Scroll Bar

Currently in Edge there is no scroll bar on the bottom of the page in the Gantt chart. To see what is happening in the future I have to stretch my window out and still cannot see all of the features.
Cody M over 2 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Ability to add dashboard as custom page in ideas portal

The custom pages is becoming a product portal to share info with audience. Missing the ability to share dashboard with metrics created for a certain topic. This makes the portal less relevant since we still need to find a place to share dashboard ...
Ronit Binshtok over 2 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Parent and child phase/feature interaction

When moving a phase or feature within a gantt chart, the system currently allows for the the dependent (child) phases/features to stay in the timeline as they currently are, but highlights the dependency in red. However, this does not show the imp...
Don Fifer almost 5 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Toggle 'Off' Automatic Inclusion of features to Releases Gantt

I use the gantt to plot release phases and don't always include features in that process. Automatically including every new feature on the releases gantt can be tedious manual removal process after the fact. I would prefer to add features to my ga...
Adam T almost 5 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Research Tab: Bulk associate Ideas

Who would benefit? Everyone What impact would it make? Accelerating the use of Ideas as an input to Initiatives to form scope for Features for product managers, analysts, UX, and engineering. How should it work? In the Bulk Edit menu and in the Li...
Guest about 1 year ago in Ideas research 0 Future consideration

Roles and licence

Who would benefit? AHA! and BU What impact would it make? No user could get an elevated role without a licence How should it work? When Admin assign roles that require a licence, they need to select a licence pool. When the admin changes a user ro...
Guest about 1 year ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration