In the custom roadmaps by default you can view the release dates as a tool tip. It would be nice to show custom tool tips/annotations either in addition to the release dates or as a separate annotation allowing the user to view multiple tool tips....
Rhonda S
almost 4 years ago
in Roadmaps
Already exists
At the initiative level, we plan 6-12 months into the upcoming fiscal year, by half. We estimate team capacity (high-level t-shirt sizing) by 1H and 2H. Our goal is to know the right scope moving forward and balance our engineering capacity for 1H...
Shannon Sauvé
almost 4 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
please let admin better control the field choices on apply rank to users cannot make bad choice
apply rank opens a picker to let user decide which custom field to apply the rank value to , and that custom field needs to be the field in the mappings that provide update into target tooling (my case, its ADO, stack rank). I see multiple custom ...
Kevin Martin
almost 2 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
When I have initiative planned say for example, 2 releases, first one in the 2nd qtr, 2021 and 2nd one in 4th quarter, 2021, strategic roadmap doesn't reflect it correctly. It shows continues bar going from April 1st, 2021 until end of the year gi...
Ram Dhurjati
almost 4 years ago
in Roadmaps
Unlikely to implement
Allow the screen to scroll when setting a dependency
When I have a multi-line gantt chart with lines below the edge of my monitor, the screen will not scroll down to allow me to drag a dependency from the top of the chart to an object at the bottom of the chart.
As a dashboard user, I should be able to sort Lists just like I can when accessing a stand-alone list.
Currently, if we add a List as a Panel in a dashboard, the sort function is not available. This is a loss of functionality when compared to working with a stand-alone List and is not the expected behavior for a user interacting with any form of Li...
David Barber
almost 2 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration