Currently , only the internal release date can feature in a Gantt chart for a given release. Our internal and external release dates are different, so we would like to indicate this on a Gantt chart - only showing the internal release date in symb...
over 4 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Allow quarter and month selections in date range field
the farther out in my roadmap the less precise about dates i want to be. it's all spaghetti at the wall beyond a few quarters. leadership wants to see 5 quarters of a roadmap - i want to quickly enter the quarter i'm aiming for without needing to ...
about 2 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Show a master feature roadmap bar with different colors based on workspace
I currently have master features across different workspaces but they can roll up to the same master feature or initiative. I would like to be able to show a bar broken up by color based on the number of features for each workspace. Example bar 1 ...
over 4 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
The starter roadmap can display objects (such as initiatives) in descending order according to their position in the product hierarchy. This is extremely useful when showing how high-level product line initiatives relate to lower-level initiatives...
over 6 years ago
in Roadmaps
Unlikely to implement
Vertical line on roadmap report timelines for release date
Currently when you produce an roadmap timeline report it has a vertical line representing today's date. It would be helpful to have the ability to add a line representing each release date on the roadmap.
Thomas Cruse
almost 8 years ago
in Releases / Roadmaps
Will not implement
Sort Workspace field in pivot view by order set up in Workspace Manager
I have pivot view reports created with workspace name down the rows and releases in the columns. I have ordered the workspaces in the order I want in the workspace configuration and would like that ordering to be reflected in the pivot report. Rig...
Ally Bernstein
over 4 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Users of the features roadmap with custom financial year formats What impact would it make? Consistent financial year formatting How should it work? Features roadmap is only able to show one year on timeline i.e. where as our ac...
Toray Altas
about 1 year ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Any team in a SAFe model What impact would it make? A roadmap for each team in one big table with a row for each team. They could draw red lines between different stories/features to indicate depedencies How should it work? See ...
Ability for Hierarchy Report to report on workspace hierarchy
At this time the hierarchy report only allows you to report on records within workspaces/parent lines rather than just the workspace hierarchy itself. There should be a way to report on this without bringing in other records.
Shumona Raha
over 2 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Add a 'capability' data record so that I can roadmap by product and/or capability
Who would benefit? Product, marketing, sales, customer success - and mostly customers What impact would it make? Besides just a list of epics and features on a roadmap, everyone would see how those align to enhancing an existing capability or addi...
Deirdre Clarke
about 1 year ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration