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Allow a report header for pivot reports to include a legend for special coloring

i have created pivot reports and can create coloring for certain aspects of the report. But, someone has to look at the configuration of the report to see a legend of what those colors represent. I would like the ability to include the legend on t...
Guest over 6 years ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Points per Initiative

Like in Master Features, I would like to be able to see how many points make up an Initiative. This would add up all the Master Features points, and any Features that aren't part of a Master Feature.
Joseph Abromaitis over 6 years ago in Strategy 0 Already exists

Add feature start date as a field that can be added to card layout (Feature Board)

Add feature start date as a field that can be added to card layout (Feature Board)
Steve Podzamsky over 3 years ago in Features 1 Already exists

Allow integration of Custom Fields to any Jira Field of a supported field type

We have a process where we track issues reported by Release. Our issues come via Cases in Salesforce, which are then pushed as an Feature in Aha which captures the Affected Version in a custom field. We would like to push this custom field valu...
Guest over 6 years ago in Jira 0 Already exists

In Pivot Reports we can display roll-up initiatives and initiatives - awesome. But sorting...

I use a pivot report for reporting out on the progress of Roll-up Initiatives Initiatives Epics Features are my cells This is very nice. I note that we end up using the Initiative and refer indriectly to the Roll-Up-Initiative name as a field. The...
Joseph Flynn over 3 years ago in Reports 2 Already exists

Product launch Planner/Strategy planner

Would like a feature that allows me to organize a product launch template for any given Epic, release, feature.
Natasha Reynolds over 3 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

See all items you're watching

Any user who uses the watch feature will get notified of when the item changes, but cannot see a list of the items they have flagged for watching. As a developer I get added to tickets for technical input and find it difficult to find the card i...
Guest over 6 years ago in Reports 1 Already exists

Allow filtering on Releases

Would like to filter on the releases to be more specific - we have multiple teams that work to the same release schedule under the same Workspace and I'd like to filter out each team and see how much of the Release they have completed
Ben Snapper over 3 years ago in  1 Already exists

Configure Tags: Ability to Sort/Filter to clean up Tags

Tags are used often. Sometimes a typo is made and the person deletes the tags from the Feature, Idea, etc. to create a new one. There is no easy way to try to clean up the Tag list. If I want to look for any tag that is not used by any Feature, Id...
Guest over 6 years ago in Application 1 Already exists

Allow ideas to be promoted to existing features

When promoting an idea to a feature, provide the option to promote to an existing feature so the status of the idea can be updated as the feature moves through development to release.
Shawn Pons over 6 years ago in Ideas 3 Already exists