Please add the concept of "Sprints" separate from "Releases"
Please indulge me be allowing me to start off with some definitions.
Sprints are generally 1-3 weeks long, happen at a regular cadence and don't have anything to do with ongoing projects/releases other than the fact that Stories related to a proje...
Embed Google Sheets chart in description text boxes
For goals and success metrics we need to display charts to show the past and actual performance figures.
Please, make it possible to integrate Google sheet chart or tableau charts via iframe or anything.
Kote Khutsishvili
about 5 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
In the knowledge base for scorecards, you say "if you want multiple people to weigh in, it's best to have a live collaborative session or request they provide comments for each feature."
For features that are past the idea phase (eg: imports from ...
Aaron Puga
over 8 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Mockups are a great way to tell a user story. While developing new features, mockups are not always designed in the best order to tell that story.
To improve this interaction, it should be possible to reorder the order of the mockups inside a fea...
almost 7 years ago
in Mockups
Will not implement
Provide "Confidential" as a watermark on printed/pdf roadmaps
We wanted to send a pdf copy of the strategic roadmap to a partner however it would be nice to put a watermark on it so we can identify it's confidential. As a stretch if we could even customize it then we could put the partner's name on it.
Andrew Belo
over 1 year ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Promote a requirement as "is a dependency of" instead "Relates to"
Sometimes a requirement needs to be done one sprint before the related feature. So we need to promote it as a feature. The relationship between the new feature and the previous one is created as RELATES TO. This is a problem, as Gantt chart shows ...
We need to link Aha! Roadmap items to other items in Sparx EA (OSLC compliant) using ArchiMate 3.1 and an OSLC connector for Aha! will enable us to do that. This connector will also enable us to link Sparx EA ArchiMate 3.1 model elements such as s...
over 3 years ago
in Wanted
Future consideration
New section under Strategy or Info for definitions/product functions.
Our Product has multiple functions/modules. With each module there are some terminologies and concepts that need to be defined. I can use notes to create a document but that that can get messy really quick. I see this area working similar to how P...
Chris Eichermüller
over 3 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration