New "integration reference" custom field type to house read-only text reference to a field on other side of Jira (or other) integration
There are fields in Jira (and I imagine other integrated applications) that don't map cleanly to an Aha custom field type. I am proposing a new custom field type that is an always-readonly text field that can be mapped to any Jira field type, and ...
Gene Lewin
over 2 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Importing Users: User welcome email template is not available for editing?
Currently, when adding users one at a time, I can customize the welcome message on the fly. This option is NOT available to me however if I am adding users via the CSV Import mechanism. Interestingly enough, I am asked if I want to send a welcome ...
Joe Carpenter
over 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
we frequently see the need to uplevel a story with many requirements to an initiative level with many stories. Having this functionality would allow us to do this easily
This usually happens when we start to groom a feature and realize it should b...
over 9 years ago
in Features
Already exists
I use a pivot table to map several master features from different products on various stages and it works fine, but I would really love to see them as cards from board view. They provide much clearer look.
Pavel Egorkin
about 6 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Auto Copy Roadmap Record to Admin Response Upon Work Completion
Our development teams document release note information in Jira. We can pull information from Jira into Roadmaps but we need the ability to automatically copy the release note information to a idea as an Admin Response.
Tom Gardner
over 1 year ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
when copying features also copy comments associated with that feature
would be helpful for most users.....seems like it would be a simple tweak since you are able to copy comments today...but the comments don't copy over.
almost 8 years ago
in Features
Will not implement
I'd like to see all the open releases associated with a specific release template, as of right now this not possible as they are all named different things.
about 6 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
Adjust archived/deleted workspace association to workspace templates
What is the challenge? When a workspace is archived it should no longer display as associated to a workspace template. What is the impact? Since users are not able to hard delete workspaces, they will see an inflated number of workspaces associate...
Kristina Gass
11 months ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Analytics and Reporting are part of Develop Advanced, and users in those accounts are able to save list reports. However, some teams use list reports as part of their backlog and sprint management process. They don't need sophisticated analytics, ...