Automatically create new copy features in other workspaces based on feature tags
Who would benefit? Any product owner that has multiple workspaces or multiple tiers of workspaces. What impact would it make? Reduce the amount of work by creating tickets once instead of copying and moving. Further, changes in the feature in one ...
over 1 year ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Who would benefit? Mobile users What impact would it make? Allow me to use this on the road How should it work? Would like to have a filter to allow seeing shipped releases as i do open releases on the mobile app. Right now they're hidden and no o...
Dave Frauenhofer
over 1 year ago
in Mobile
Future consideration
ToDo assigned to - delete user assigned in Reviewer role
There is a ToDo. User is assigned to. User can correct name, description. User can add other user which is need to work with him in this ToDo. User put wrong assignee. The assignee is no longer needed. How user can delete the assignee?
Today user...
over 6 years ago
in To-dos
Unlikely to implement
In the Idea List, if I promote an Idea to a Feature, I should be able to edit my Idea list view and add a column that shows the Feature Id so I don't have to open each Idea 1 by 1 to see the Feature Id
almost 4 years ago
in Ideas
Already exists
We have a custom date field that feeds certain reports and presentations. However, sometimes the date is not applicable or TBD, and rather than the field being empty, we need the ability to choose "N/A" or "TBD" as an option.
Nadim Sobhani
almost 4 years ago
Future consideration
Hi Team, right now we set locales in personal settings however it would be good to set locale at global level in Account settings and it would be even nice to have an option to set particular date format. We are looking forward to have this partic...
almost 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
For user clarity and usefulness, I need the ability to add and display label connect to url on a notebook versus web bases URL link.
Currently, notebooks only show the full web based URL which is not very descriptive. Plus the long url's can be ...
over 6 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Link whiteboard boxes to ideas, features or initiatives
Who would benefit? Product Team What impact would it make? Speed up the planning of new features and initiatives as we wouldn't be duplicating work and can see linked items How should it work? On the Whiteboad, we can already convert a box / item ...
over 1 year ago
in Whiteboards
Already exists