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Improve display of portal emails in dark mode

Many people now use a dark mode or theme for viewing emails. The emails sent from the ideas portal don't display well in dark mode - a dark logo may not show up and the brand color does not stand out.
Kelly Sebes about 5 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Option to hide fields on individual personas

When hiding a field on a persona, it will hide the same field on all personas at the same level in the hierarchy. This makes personas usability a little difficult in the example where you want to capture/demonstrate different information for inter...
Rachel Fitton about 3 years ago in Strategy 1 Future consideration

Add Admin Ability to "Lock" the Features Assigned to a Release

Following our sprint planning meetings, we set in Aha what will and won't be included for each of the product groups that we support. As the admin, I would like to be able to at that point "lock" the release to include what we have agreed to devel...
Cy Caine over 9 years ago in Releases 2 Unlikely to implement

Remember the User's Login/Email Address

Provide some way for Users to have their Email Address stored on the login page (i.e. a "Remember Email" check box on the login screen so that users don't have to enter it every time they login. Not all of our Users want to store their password in...
Guest about 6 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Add inline comments to list reports

When inline comments are added to the text of a field in a feature (description, etc.) I want to be able to see those comments or indication that there is an inline comment in the list report.
Guest about 3 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Slack integration does not distinguish between internal vs external user

I created the integration to Slack so I can have messages posted when a new idea is created. However, I cannot tell whether the user is internal or external.
Guest about 3 years ago in Ideas portal / Slack 0 Likely to implement

Inserting New Line Character in Worksheet Strings

Worksheets allow you to have formulas that concatenate strings and create a new string to display to the users. However, there is no way to include a "new line" character so that the display separates items by new line. Below is the use case we ha...
Karla Johnson about 3 years ago in Account settings 1 Future consideration

As a PM I would like to add badging capabilities to give incentive to external customers and prospective customers to submit new ideas and comment on existing ideas logged in AHA.

Offering extrernal ideation is worthless if people do not use the tool. If AHA provides comanies a way to reward end users through regonition for contributions based on volume, quality of detail, implemention success or other criteria users will b...
Karla Carpenter about 8 years ago in Ideas portal 3 Unlikely to implement

Run automation rule only on Update, not on Create

I would like to run an automation rule only on an update of an idea, not on creation of an idea. For some changes, it only makes sense to react to them if a a portal user (submittor) changes the value after submission, not on creation. I would lik...
Ann Wuyts about 2 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Release Template: Phase beginning based on days before release date milestone

I work with on a periodic/fixed schedule of release dates. In that scenario the date that all phases of a release must begin is dependent on duration of the phase and the time BEFORE the release date. The template does not seem to support this. In...
Guest about 7 years ago in Releases 2 Unlikely to implement