When sending a Feature to JIRA, automatically move the new JIRA epic/story into the JIRA project's Backlog
When we sync Aha! Features into JIRA, we're ready to begin planning sprints that will include the resulting JIRA epics/stories. Extend the JIRA integration so when new epics/stories are created from Aha!, automatically move them into the JIRA proj...
I would like to be able to have my QA team track bugs against a Requirement. It would enable better visibility into the probability of a specific feature / requirement making it in to a projected Release (or the likelihood of the release slipping)...
about 10 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Adjust archived/deleted workspace association to workspace templates
What is the challenge? When a workspace is archived it should no longer display as associated to a workspace template. What is the impact? Since users are not able to hard delete workspaces, they will see an inflated number of workspaces associate...
Kristina Gass
9 months ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
It would be helpful if we had an option on initiatives and rollup initiatives to automatically include any records related to the records related to the initiative. For example, after associating a release to an initiative, we could click a button...
Kyle Kinder
over 1 year ago
in Features
Future consideration
We are using a different terminology for our ideas portal, especially for the term "idea". We found the customizing options for the ideas portal very beneficial, but the only place we were not able to change the term is in the salesforce plugin. I...
over 4 years ago
in Salesforce
Future consideration
Each of our projects (initiatives) contains a large amount of content. We need a fast and easy way to capture all of the content related to a project for version control/snapshot, auditing purposes, as well as printing out to re...
Julia Doyle
almost 6 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Customize card layouts on the workflow board with extensions
Challenge: I tried to make an extension that would highlight "aging" cards on the board so everyone could quickly see tickets that were stuck. Desired experience: I want to be able to change how the cards look on the workflow board with an extension.
Hello AHA Team, i´m working with the new Chart Format. As there are less configuration options available any more, this chart drives me cracy. Please, give me back more granual configuration options. My chart shows a lot of different Categories as...
over 3 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
When a portal URL is changed, all existing URLs used to reference Ideas will no longer work. We would like to have a way to in tool reroute to the new domain if older link is used. See Example below:
Old Portal URL: example.ideas.aha.io
New Po...
Peter Segre
over 4 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Add the ability create a report showing the list of tags or to export tags from the configure tags page
Tag dropdowns often show only the first ~15-20 items in the list. The list of possible choices does update as the user types.
Since the user can't see the full list though, multiple tags are being created that are synonyms. If the user had the ab...
Jill Collins
about 5 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration