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Import functionality to show the entire list of records and have ability to import only selected (check box) records

Currently Rally import functionality shows only top 10 records extracted for the set criteria. Want the ability to see all the records with checkbox to allow 'pick & choose' for import Do not show the records which were already imported or linked
Jyothirmayi Talaparthy over 4 years ago in Rally 3 Future consideration

Provide additional filter/criteria while setting up the Rally integration

Currently, Rally integration is setup at a Workspace/project level. It would help immensely to be able to add additional criteria, like Tags = XXX or Status = 'YYY'. This will help to filter out records that would show up for import. This will hel...
Jyothirmayi Talaparthy over 4 years ago in Rally 0 Future consideration

Create Feature Delivery Type field to map to Rally Feature

This field is required in Rally as it is used for Fixed Capacity Billing.
Guest almost 5 years ago in Rally 0 Future consideration

Not able to map Aha Product Relationship field to Rally using Aha & Rally Integration

There is a need for us to add a Aha Product Relationship field to Rally using Aha & Rally Integration. When we tried to add it to the mappings, we cannot see that field as part of field mappings to map to a Rally string field.
Uma Prabhala about 5 years ago in Rally 0 Future consideration

Update records on all integrations linked to a template at one time

We anticipate having 150+ integrations based on a template (with the Rally integration). In order to add fields to the integrations, we edit the template and those updates/new fields flow to the individual integrations based on the template, howev...
Elaine Edwards about 5 years ago in Rally 2 Future consideration

Integrate Release Phase from Aha to Rally

Currently, the Aha to Rally Integration mapping does not include Release Phase. My suggestion is that Release Phase map to the Iteration field in Rally. This would greatly benefit anyone who uses both sides to not have to recreate the phase in eac...
Guest about 5 years ago in Rally 0 Future consideration

Add Investment Category to the Rally integration

We have an integration setup with Rally, which is working very well. Right now I am managing our investment categories via the Aha type field on every feature. Rally has an Investment Category field on each feature as well, but that field is not o...
Jason Day over 5 years ago in Rally 0 Future consideration

Ability to map releases in the same product area to multiple workspaces in Rally

We have times when releases need to be under a particular product in Aha!, yet when they get pushed to Rally, they belong to more than one Rally board. It would be extremely helpful to pick which board in Aha! we are sending the release to in Rall...
Guest over 5 years ago in Rally 0 Already exists

be notified in Aha! when an item is deleted in Rally

We are creating connection between Aha! and Rally records. It may happen that record are moved in different Rally project or may be deleted. But there is no way to have such information in the Aha! record. Today the integration between the 2 items...
Guest over 5 years ago in Rally 2 Future consideration

Filter out those records not linked to Rally

We have teams that have a mixture of features and master features where some of them are worked in Rally but others remain in Aha! to track and monitor them. I would like to be able to apply a filter where Rally Formatted ID is blank (or is not bl...
Amy Lackas over 5 years ago in Rally 0 Unlikely to implement