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Clarity PPM - Integration Need

Looking to see what capabilities can be enabled to help us integrate initiative and feature level data with Broadcom Clarity PPM for our Digital automated timecard process.
Karla Johnson almost 3 years ago in Rally 1 Future consideration

Account Admins have the ability to configure the account level Integration record mappings

Issue? The default Rally integration record mappings are Feature / Release / Requirement. Every new integration is being given the three record default which is confusing Aha users and enables users to deviate from the best practice of feature to ...
Mike Jacobson almost 2 years ago in Rally 0 Future consideration

Integrate Aha Program Increment (PI) custom field with Rally Release field

Today in Rally, following an orthodox SAFe Portfolio model, we organize our work based on Product Increment (PI) intervals that include four(4) two week sprints and on two week sprint for Innovation and planning. Every ten weeks we hold another PI...
Guest over 6 years ago in Rally 0 Future consideration

Rally Integration Support for Deleted Features

As features are being updated in Rally by development team, a feature can get deleted in Rally for a variety of reasons. When this occurs, the corresponding feature in Aha does not get deleted automatically. Instead it remains in Aha without any i...
Dan Eisenhut almost 7 years ago in Rally 1 Future consideration

Provide additional filter/criteria while setting up the Rally integration

Currently, Rally integration is setup at a Workspace/project level. It would help immensely to be able to add additional criteria, like Tags = XXX or Status = 'YYY'. This will help to filter out records that would show up for import. This will hel...
Jyothirmayi Talaparthy over 4 years ago in Rally 0 Future consideration

Not able to map Aha Product Relationship field to Rally using Aha & Rally Integration

There is a need for us to add a Aha Product Relationship field to Rally using Aha & Rally Integration. When we tried to add it to the mappings, we cannot see that field as part of field mappings to map to a Rally string field.
Uma Prabhala about 5 years ago in Rally 0 Future consideration

Ability to map to "No entry" status in Rally

It is possible for a status in Rally to have a "No-Entry" value but you are not able to map to this in the integrations. In a use case where a record is created in Rally and does not have a status set (i.e. it is set to "No-Entry"), when you link...
Madeleine Black about 6 years ago in Rally 0 Future consideration

Support sending the Aha! Rank to Rally Rank in the 2.0 integration

Currently, the 2.0 integration does not support sending the Aha! rank to Rally in the same manner as the 1.0 integration - it cannot actually affect the ranking of items in Rally. As a customer who was using this in 1.0, we would like it to be ava...
Guest about 7 years ago in Rally 1 Future consideration

Integration Log "Type" Filter

As a workspace admin viewing the Integration Messages Log - I'd love to be able to click these buttons at the top of the log to filter just to "Errors" in red, "warnings" in yellow or "info" in blue - currently most updates are "info" and importan...
Karla Johnson almost 3 years ago in Rally 0 Future consideration

be notified in Aha! when an item is deleted in Rally

We are creating connection between Aha! and Rally records. It may happen that record are moved in different Rally project or may be deleted. But there is no way to have such information in the Aha! record. Today the integration between the 2 items...
Guest over 5 years ago in Rally 2 Future consideration