We have an integration setup with Rally, which is working very well. Right now I am managing our investment categories via the Aha type field on every feature. Rally has an Investment Category field on each feature as well, but that field is not o...
Jason Day
over 5 years ago
in Rally
Future consideration
When a change is made in Rally, the Notification message always states that the user whose account is used for the integration to Rally is the one that made the change. This is not useful. Therefore I request that the name of the user in Rally who...
Dan Eisenhut
almost 7 years ago
in Rally
Future consideration
Notify users that Rally projects may take a long time to load when creating an integration
What is the challenge? Experiencing a significant lag (5 minutes+) when setting up Rally integrations. During the project selection step, the page appears to hang because it is loading significant volumes of projects and related settings from Rall...
Dale Potter
6 months ago
in Rally
Future consideration
Account Admins have the ability to configure the account level Integration record mappings
Issue? The default Rally integration record mappings are Feature / Release / Requirement. Every new integration is being given the three record default which is confusing Aha users and enables users to deviate from the best practice of feature to ...
Mike Jacobson
over 1 year ago
in Rally
Future consideration
As a workspace admin viewing the Integration Messages Log - I'd love to be able to click these buttons at the top of the log to filter just to "Errors" in red, "warnings" in yellow or "info" in blue - currently most updates are "info" and importan...
Karla Johnson
over 2 years ago
in Rally
Future consideration
Importing data from Rally to Aha using “Import Records – Grid query” functionality
When we import data from Rally into Aha using “Import records – Grid query” functionality it does not give option to select a release in that workspace but rather imports all the data into a Parking lot. Users have to manually move all that import...
Karla Johnson
almost 4 years ago
in Rally
Future consideration
Rally Integration - Add Column for Rally Format ID
As we're preparing for an import of records & Rally integration set up, It would be helpful to add a column with the Rally Format ID also as it helps align & track easier than just the name & Record ID
Victoria Morrella
almost 4 years ago
in Rally
Future consideration
Import functionality to show the entire list of records and have ability to import only selected (check box) records
Currently Rally import functionality shows only top 10 records extracted for the set criteria. Want the ability to see all the records with checkbox to allow 'pick & choose' for import Do not show the records which were already imported or linked
Jyothirmayi Talaparthy
over 4 years ago
in Rally
Future consideration
Ability to map releases in the same product area to multiple workspaces in Rally
We have times when releases need to be under a particular product in Aha!, yet when they get pushed to Rally, they belong to more than one Rally board. It would be extremely helpful to pick which board in Aha! we are sending the release to in Rall...
Stories that are pushed to Rally from the Aha Parking Lot are creating a release in Rally titled Parking Lot. I would like to see these user stories not be assigned to a release in Rally, that way they will be be displayed on the backlog.
Jason Day
over 6 years ago
in Rally
Already exists