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Azure DevOps Services and Server

Showing 92

Allow linking of Features and Releases to a specific DevOps Iteration Level

We use a more granular structure to the Iterations in DevOps so mapping items to just the top level is not really suitable to keep a feature synchronized correctly and could involve a lot of manual changes at the beginning and end of a release. Fo...
Dave Ball over 4 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 2 Future consideration

Filter capabilities on the Integration Update Import screen

As one Product Owner of a very large product that has a lot of product owners, I would like more filter capabilities on the Integration Updates import screen so that I can only see items that pertain to my portion of the backlog. This request is s...
Guest over 2 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 1 Future consideration

Inherit the hierarchy of the area paths from Azure Dev Ops

When integrating with Azure Dev Ops, the area paths should inherit the same hierarchy when represented in Aha. For example, hierarchy in Dev Ops could be: Company/ Company /Functional Area Company/Functional Area/Team The Aha Azure devops integrat...
John M over 4 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 5 Future consideration

New features created via an ADO integration are assigned to the parent epic release by default

Key problem: the "Parent" field in ADO can contain only one value. In ADO, a feature is automatically associated to the same theme as its' parent epic, but in Aha! this is not the case. So when features import, we associate them with the correct p...
Bryan McElhinney over 2 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration

Sync Release Phase to Azure DevOps

We have adopted a SAFe framework where features are planned quarterly. As a result we are creating 'Releases' in Aha that are materializing these quarters. Within a quarter we may deploy the software multiple times and we are using release phases ...
Nicolas Andrillon about 3 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration

Provide item ranking capability with Azure DevOps integration to Boards

Currently the Azure DevOps Boards integration does not include the capability to share the rank order of items in a workspace which results in the items in the Azure Devops Boards workflow having a different ordering than the items in the Aha rele...
Guest over 3 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration

Update records selectively

The "Update Records" feature currently updates all integrated records defined in the Azure DevOps integration. This could take quite some time if the number of records is high. Sometimes you only want to upgrade on a particular record type because...
Guest about 4 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration

Sync sprints between requirements in Aha! and equivalent (e.g. PBIs) in Azure DevOps

Our development team manages PBIs within sprints. Currently you can map a custom sprint field for features in Aha! to DevOps, but not requirements. Ideally, we would be able to sync sprints for requirements/PBIs, as that would be more useful than ...
Mike Maylone over 4 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration

Ability to customize the Import Import New Records dialog box and functionality

It would be very helpful to be able to customize and configure the Import New Records dialog box. Specifically I would like to be able to select additional/different information about each record (i.e. Azure DevOps work item #, State, Iteration) i...
cheryl fetchko over 5 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration

Add ability to transfer requirements between features and features between master features (epics)

If you take the typical hierarchy VSTS, of Epics, Features and Product Backlog items, its is great that with Integrations 2.0 we can map these to Master Features (we call these Epics), Features and Requirements (we call this PBI's). However we are...
Richard Harrison almost 7 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration