Ability to have a to-do due date based on the status of a feature
There are times when I want to follow up with someone internally on sales, AM, or support after a feature or bug is shipped. Right now I add them as a Watcher and schedule a task when I think it will be done which forces me to move tasks if delaye...
Sam S
almost 2 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Include taskable information in the List to-dos API response body
In order to view which to-dos are associated to which features/releases/ideas today, you need to make separate API calls for each record. If the taskable information was included in the all-encompassing List to-dos response, you could pull these a...
Kyle Moore
almost 4 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Currently when looking at MyWork to do list all items are listed by the title of the to do. There is no way of establishing which product the todo relates to. Even when the todo is selected there is still no reference to the product. Same occurs o...
Paul Dickie
over 5 years ago
in To-dos
Unlikely to implement
Integration with (native) to do apps, especially on Mobile devices
As an User I want to be fully informed about the things I have to do. With tasks stored in so many places, including Aha, it's difficult to keep track of them.
I would like to have them available on one place, preferable on my mobile phone. I use ...
over 9 years ago
in To-dos
Unlikely to implement
This is a great feature in Trello, if i have a list of multiple lines in word or excel; when copy and paste into Trello it asks (do you want to create multiple lines?) - this would be perfect for updating to-do's and for requirements lists...
Andrew Pearson
almost 6 years ago
in To-dos
Unlikely to implement
As a user, I don't want to receive overdue emails multiple times for a to-do which did not get completed. Sometimes the to-do doesn't get done but the release still ships. In that case I don't need to do the to-do but I still get the emails for it...
Peter Whisenant
about 4 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Add a "Today" quick link for populating date fields for To-dos
When I create personal to-dos that aren't related to a specific release, project, workspace, etc., I'm often doing so for things that I need to act on today, such as meeting follow-ups, action items from emails, etc. It would be useful to have a "...
Harrison Hopkins
about 4 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Currently, when viewing To-Dos (I assume any other item too) on the Calendar view under releases, you cannot see multiple assignees, only the first. We often assign to-dos to multiple people as they need to complete the same activity but if they a...
Peter Whisenant
about 4 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration