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Ability to view pending To-Do's directly on Aha! Cards.

I do not see the option to add an indicator of pedning our outstanding To-Do items on cards such as pending Approvals, or Work Requests
Omar Almodovar over 2 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Allow for developer notes/private comments in Feature Cards; only viewed by owners and those working the feature cards

There are conversations our team would like to contain with in a Feature Cards that are only viewed by our team members.
Carolee Snarr over 4 years ago in Comments / Notifications / Features 1 Unlikely to implement

Allow making broadcasts vertically smaller

We use broadcasts to make quick links easier to find for our product team. Some of these links are to Aha reports (no one can ever find the report they're looking for otherwise) and some are external links relevant to Aha, such as documentation ab...
Tessa Adair over 3 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Notifications or Reports that summarize content changes over the past day, days, week etc.

Why this is needed: I use the feature board view a lot to discuss our new-feature plans with engineering. As and when we make decisions, features can move sideways (e.g., from a Parking lot to a named release) or up and down (e.g., in a single Par...
Guest over 8 years ago in Comments / Notifications 1 Already exists

@mentions send notifications but do not subscribe user as a watcher

We often like to @mention users on different issues to get their attention to a specific item, but they don't want to be subscribed to the firehose of updates that come after that. Requesting a way to @mention someone without making them a watcher.
Christopher Rozon almost 2 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Automatic notifications when a release becomes/remains overdue

We spend hours each month chasing down product managers whose releases have slipped. We would love to see a notification that would go to them when their release becomes overdue and that same notification continue to go to them as long as it remai...
Liz Owens almost 4 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Email body table

What is the challenge? Hard to read these emails I get about updates. See attached screenshot What is the impact? Makes the email useless, I tend to ignore these now Describe your idea UI update on formation for this type of update?
Guest 12 months ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Getting Email Nortification before To-Do's due date

Currently we can get Email Notification at To-Do's due date on the day. But we want to get this notification as reminder, before To-Do's due data is coming. In additional, it is better for us that we can customize when we get notification.
Guest about 7 years ago in Comments / Notifications 1 Already exists

Clearer email notification formatting for approvals

Who would benefit? Anyone relying on notification emails from Aha! What impact would it make? The current email notification formatting is, quite frankly, horrible. This is the case for most notifications I see from Aha (with the exception of Idea...
Max O. about 1 year ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Mentions @ Report

I would like to have the ability of creeating reports to show the number of mentions (@) that a specific user receives or creates so I can check how active (or requested) a person is.
Juliano Silva about 2 years ago in Comments / Notifications 2 Future consideration