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Account settings

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Add icons for the different Items

Add icons for the different Items Being able to associate an icon with the different types of elements (Release, epic, initiative, goals, features, etc....) and be able to display this icon next to the reference or the name of the object
Guest almost 2 years ago in Account settings 2 Already exists

Predefined choice list. - item color

Hello, I have created custom fields with type Predefined choice list.I want to allocate a color to each item of the list just the same way you can do it for tags. Is it possible?If yes, would like to understand how to do this?If no, is it plan in ...
Guest almost 10 years ago in Account settings 2 Already exists

Import Users on Account Setting Page

When onboading additional team members on to Aha, it is really a pain in the butt to creat 30 accounts by hand. Put a import users option that allows me upload a excel spreadsheet and create those users with the permissions I set for the batch imp...
Frank S about 2 years ago in Account settings 1 Already exists

Adminstering Users - Need an extra column on the user export

I think an additional column is needed on the export to indicate if the user has been disabled or not. I’m seeing my user export list grow, but the CSV doesn’t readily show you if a user has been deactivated (their original permissions stay reside...
Joe Carpenter about 8 years ago in Account settings 0 Already exists

Ability to disable different view types

Number of functionalities in Main Menu contain different types of views we can use. However, not all these views might be useful or updated and it would be great to have the option to choose what views we use and we don't and hide the unused ones ...
Guest about 2 years ago in Account settings 0 Already exists

Attach a link

In addition to being able to attach files, it would be helpful to be able to attach links. Many times, relevant information is a web page instead of a file. Today, we can only embed links in text fields, such as Description and Comments. I put thi...
Tom Beck over 6 years ago in Account settings 3 Already exists

Ability to create custom fields with context

When we create custom field in AHA we want the ability to create context for each product so that we can see only values which are relevant to a specific product. For example Team A, Team B and Team C are related to Product 1, we do not want to se...
Guest over 6 years ago in Account settings 0 Already exists

limiting certain account settings to only admins and not owners

limiting certain account settings to only admins and not owners, i.e., creating workspaces, changing workflow and custom labels. I need my workspace owners to have access to creating Jira integrations, but I don't want them to have access to accou...
Juan Possie about 2 years ago in Account settings 0 Already exists

Ability to suppress Product Line level custom fields from products

We have some custom fields that we want only to appear at the Product Line level, specifically for Master Releases and PL Initiatives. We'd like a way for them not to appear in Product Initiatives or Releases. As it stands now we just need to inst...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Account settings 0 Already exists

is there a project intake form?

Can we prepare a shareable project intake form based off of the fields of workspace/epics/activities/todos? (instead of import option).
Suman A over 2 years ago in Account settings 1 Already exists