In addition to being able to attach files, it would be helpful to be able to attach links. Many times, relevant information is a web page instead of a file. Today, we can only embed links in text fields, such as Description and Comments.
I put thi...
When we create custom field in AHA we want the ability to create context for each product so that we can see only values which are relevant to a specific product. For example Team A, Team B and Team C are related to Product 1, we do not want to se...
Tean, It would be great if i am able to create scorecard for multiple product and visualise it so i am able to decide which product priotities. currently this feature available at featrure level but not for product
Ability to suppress Product Line level custom fields from products
We have some custom fields that we want only to appear at the Product Line level, specifically for Master Releases and PL Initiatives. We'd like a way for them not to appear in Product Initiatives or Releases. As it stands now we just need to inst...
Customize fiscal calendar by year as well as month
We have a fiscal year which starts in March, but it's leading rather than lagging. Therefore, FY17 starts March 1, 2016. However, reports reflect March 1, 2016 as FY16
At our company we are using SSO to log into AHA. Our SSO takes the name directly from our HR tools where employees tend to use their "legal" name, instead of their "preferred" name for payroll purposes. But AHA takes the first and last name from S...
Provide product managers with secondary way to manage reviewer and viewer access by product
Today, administrators have to manage all aspects of access control for users to access product records for the business units in order to maintain the unit's structure/implementation of Aha! This is not scalable for the 5 admins in our unit. Produ...
Cindi Baris
about 7 years ago
in Account settings
Already exists