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When a feature is sent to Github that has images attached, can the images be shown inline rather than as links?

When I send a feature to Github that has images attached, the images show up in Github as links rather than inline which is how they would show up if I had created the feature in Github. It's easier and cleaner for our developers to see the images...
Guest almost 8 years ago in GitHub 0 Already exists

Aha REST API - Add capability to pull users edit (Revision) history

We do custom reporting on AHA data to meet some of our business requirements and goals. We are looking for a way to pull the User Edit history through the API e.g. when new product/product lines added to user access, when the role of the user upgr...
Guest over 4 years ago in Integrations 0 Future consideration

Integrate Master Features and related features to different JIRA projects

In this scenario, there is one Program product workspace in Aha! and one Program project in JIRA which contains Master Features per Agile Release Train. All Stories (Aha Features) and sub-tasks (Aha Requirements) are with one or many Agile Teams (...
Guest over 5 years ago in Jira 1 Future consideration

Support sending the Aha! Rank to Rally Rank in the 2.0 integration

Currently, the 2.0 integration does not support sending the Aha! rank to Rally in the same manner as the 1.0 integration - it cannot actually affect the ranking of items in Rally. As a customer who was using this in 1.0, we would like it to be ava...
Guest about 7 years ago in Rally 1 Future consideration

Ability to Integrate Ideas with Jira Service Desk

What is the challenge? I am using a Jira Service Desk to capture new product and project requests and would like to use the Aha! Ideas for review and prioritization before sending to a specific Aha! Product Workspace. What is the impact? Today I h...
Matt L 11 months ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Include JIRA records in linked records

We want to show a dependency of one of our Features on a deliverable from another team without having to create a separate feature and map and sync it through the regular JIRA integration. I think being able to import the JIRA link (and descriptio...
Guest about 8 years ago in Jira 2 Unlikely to implement

Expose todos via webhook/Slack integration

I'd like to export (or even better: sync) my Aha todos with Todoist via or Zapier supports the webhook API, but To-dos are not listed a record type for which a callback can be done.
Tako Bruinsma about 9 years ago in Slack / To-dos 0 Unlikely to implement

Open OpenDrive file URL instead of preview window

In Trello, if you open an attached OneDrive file, it opens it as Sharepoint URL so you can see the entire file and edit it. In AHA, it only shows you a one-page preview and then you have to download the file to see the entire file.
Guest over 5 years ago in Integrations 1 Future consideration

Update of the UI of Settings -> Integration Updates

When navigating to the Settings -> Integration Updates, users sometimes find confusion on this being a notification to take an action item and accidently import various records. I propose the UI be changed so the users do not think they have to...
Russell Glenn over 3 years ago in Integrations 0 Future consideration

Sync Delivery Risk manual flag to Jira "Flagged"

In Aha!, if you have enabled 'Delivery risks', one of the things you can do is manually set a flag on a Feature (or Epic or Requirement). In Jira, you can also 'Flag' issues similarly. Aha!:
Mat Buehler almost 2 years ago in Jira 0 Future consideration