Add Aha! user as watcher on Ideas when voting or commenting via the portal
Individuals who are Aha! users may be interacting with Ideas via the portal rather than within the application. It would be useful for them to become watchers on the Ideas they interact with, similar as a portal user who would become subscribed. R...
Michael Bruner
about 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
Possibility to customise & format the add idea form
Today we use the idea portals in different contexts, and several cases we have rather long forms with different sections. It would be beneficial to be able to format the form a bit more into sections / enable a line to divide different parts of th...
Kristian Haglund
about 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
Add the possibility to create Sub pages in the idea portal
We are currently lookig for a way to distribute release notes. Since our customers are using the idea portals it would be ideal to have a subpage in the portal where you are able to share information like release notes (additionally you could also...
about 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
In the public ideas portal UI I would like to see the latest comment on top, or at least a filter option, so that I don't have to scroll a lot to get up to date. It would also make the latest admin comment stand out.
about 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
As a product owner with external stakeholders, we all love our ideas portal as a communication tool; the stakeholders can submit and see that we are working their ideas/bugs/etc without falling in an email pit and getting lost forever.
We have ad...
Marta Cooke
over 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
Improved UX for setting up multi-product ideas portals
In order to set-up a multi-product ideas portal, you need to first set-up a portal for a single product and then add additional ones into it. This seems a bit counter-intuitive from a UX standpoint. It may be better to allow users to specify an id...
over 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
people who create Ideas in the Ideas Portal are not being automatically assigned as watchers of those ideas and therefore not receiving email notifications when comments are added or statuses are updated.
Barathi S
over 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
Ability to include ideas from Aha! users in portal voting
Members of our product team regularly have ideas for new features, and some of these deserve to go through the portal process to ensure stakeholders have a chance to vote. Plus, this would allow some de-duplication of existing ideas.
Carah Counts
over 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
We are using the ideas portal as our feature request tool which is used almost exclusivley by our internal pre-sales teams. For any request that we feel has merit results in Product Managament having to provide meaningful information back to pre-s...
Dan Jeffery
over 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
Please add a forgotten password option to the Ideas Portal login page; so that users can self serve for password resets.
If a user has been issued an invite, but not set a password, the link should also re-issue the invite / allow them to create p...
Mark Evans
over 5 years ago
in User management
Already exists