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Limit the content from some elements in a notebook

When adding bits such as Features to a notebook, often times there is a lot more info in the notebook than I would like. If the notebook is going to be seen by an executive, for example, I don't want to get questions about what a "watcher" or a "t...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Presentations 5 Shipped

Add Notebook Navigation Pane with direct links to each page for non-linear navigation

Please add a navigation pane to notebooks with an ordered list of slide/page name links for quick back and forth navigation. It it is easy to get lost in a large notebook, and having to page back and forth through ten or twenty screens just becaus...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Presentations 4 Shipped

To Do's in a notebook

I have multiple To-Do's for my feature. I want to publish them the same way as I do other notebook entries. Use case is that I want to keep my stakeholder informed of this dynamic list, and those user may not have full access. Can such a function ...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Presentations 3 Shipped

Allow notebooks to be sorted

Currently, notebooks always sort by the last edited. While this is nice to know, I would really like to determine how my notebooks are sorted or at least by some other criteria like name or create date.
Rob Bedeaux almost 9 years ago in Presentations 0 Shipped
190 VOTE

Make presentations more interactive, especially for roadmaps

I often share the "roadmap" slide of a notebook via the web URL. The basic feature name is there (and we can include our custom field "user story" if we want), but I'd prefer it if the features were all clickable, and some basic information about ...
Jason Slaughter almost 9 years ago in Presentations 19 Shipped

Ability to duplicate Notebooks so that we can replicate the same notebook for each product in our portfolio

Why is it useful, who would benefit from it, how should it work?
Guest about 9 years ago in Presentations 2 Shipped

Export to PDF from Web presentation

I would like to give my customers the posibility to export a web presentation to PDF for printing.
Guest about 9 years ago in Presentations 10 Shipped

Auto-refresh notebooks

We have been using notebooks to communicate roadmaps for various groups. Since there are multiple users working on different aspects of the product roadmaps it's difficult to make sure each update is actually published (notebook has to be refreshe...
Guest over 9 years ago in Presentations 3 Shipped

Add page numbers within a Notebook

I would like page numbers in the notebook.
Chris Waters over 9 years ago in Presentations 3 Shipped

Control security of notebook sharing to system users only (admin level control)

Notebook sharing currently supports sharing with a password. However, here is a realistic corporate scenario: A staff member receives a link to a notebook, with a password The staff member leaves the organisation. The link and password are still a...
Guest over 9 years ago in Presentations 5 Shipped